Full Body BODYWEIGHT Workout 🔥

3 years ago

Inspired by the Yoga Burn Fitness System for Women, this Full-Body workout will get your heart pumping, tone your entire body, and burn lots of calories! Tap here 👉 https://bit.ly/3agsYGG to look and feel your best with this Vinyasa, Ashtanga, & Aerobics Mix!

The workout is 5 exercises - aim to do each for 12-15 reps:
1. Downdog Kickback To Lunge
Lift right leg into 3 Legged Downward Dog, then step right foot up between hands. Rise all the way up into a lunge and step your back foot up. Travel back the way you came and be sure to do both sides.

2. Rotating Side Plank
From a plank position with feet, hip-width distance apart, rotate to one side turning onto the edges of the feet. Come back to the center and turn to the other side.

3. 1 1/4 Goddess Squat
Have the feet wider than shoulder-width distance apart, with toes turned slightly out? Squat down and pause, then rise 1/4 of the way up, lower down and rise to the top. That is 1 rep!

4. Pull Through Tabletop
Started seated with knees bent and hands behind you. Rise up into a reverse tabletop, squeezing glutes. Lower down hovering hips above the floor and drawing the hips back through the arms.

5. Locust Lift
Lay flat on your belly, with your hands at your temples. Lift your upper and lower body then gently lower down.

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