Dream bigger like your life depends on it!

3 years ago

When a little baby is born it 100% believes it is the greatest gift of the Universe and that he or she is totally adorable (which is true of course!)

It will turn to its mum (or dad/primary caregiver) before anything else.

Babies will also turn their little heads towards a light, even if it is only a small light, like a little candle in the dark. It will focus on that.

The point I am making is that somewhere between birth and age 12, we seem to lose that ability to focus on what makes us feel warm and loved and safe, and instead we focus on the opposite, darkness, things that cause us nagging worry, and endless stress.

Love doesn’t receive much of our time and attention anymore.

Society, our upbringing and peer pressures wired our compass backwards.

Let's say, you want to go North and pull out your compass, so you can progress towards your goal..

Very often, you will find that you are going south, not north.

Because you have forgotten to dream big, think happy, ‘delusional’ thoughts, (North) and have settled for reality or doom and gloom instead. (South)

There are 2 important keys to RESET your compass:

1) Start dreaming bigger than ever before.

Don’t worry about what your peers are doing or saying. You don’t have to tell them anything.

You can imagine owning a yacht, living on a tropical island with your sweetheart, or imagine being a famous artist.

Nobody needs to know, and what it does is prime your nervous system for bigger and better things.

2) When you catch yourself on a downer, start investigating your thoughts.

Become aware of how you are beating yourself up or belittling yourself.

Understand that your negative self talk is the BIGGEST LIE you will ever hear. So don’t take any notice of your negative thoughts for another second.

According to Byron Katie, our universe is filled with thoughts and it depends on your energetic frequency, what thoughts you receive in your body/nervous system.

We receive thoughts and then we believe them.

We think they are ours.

Then we meet other people with the same thoughts, because like attracts like.

Now we are convinced that our thoughts are the unquestionable truth.

Our mind is the great deceiver or trickster.

It always feels threatened.

It doesn’t see the beauty or innocence in us (or anything else), and our ego is fearful of unconditional love.

See, till the child is 7 or 8, it lives in a state of natural easy unconsciousness.

After age 8, the ego starts to take centre stage.

Now we have to learn to relegate it into the backseat because our ego needs to be the servant, not the master.

Tune into the video below to join into a great little exercise that will help you live from a larger, happier place.

After listening, go ahead and check out Byron Katie's way of liberating yourself from pain and suffering.


Her work is totally life-changing and came about after she suffered severe depression for many years. There are free worksheets that will take you into a journey of self love, acceptance and many blessings!

much love, Grada

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