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Trump the Uniter!

3 years ago

Martyrs spawn legions of vigilantes. Take down one hero, and thousands, even millions, take up pitchforks. The spirit of patriotism shall never die, and we’ll throw down the treasonous criminals who now sit on thrones. Guests: Austin Ruse, Xander Gibb and Dr. Kendra Becker Musante. Fight on.
Our live shows can be heard every Sunday from 3 to 5 PM EST on local radio FM station Fox News 94.9 WJJF - covering Connecticut, Rode Island and Long Island, NY. Listen live from http://freedomondeck.com/ - and find the archives there and on most video platforms, and on Spotify!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedomondeck/.
Email Chet and Brian at FreedomOnDeck@gmail.com
Email CV at CVBerton@yahoo.com
Alpha Eye – novel by CV Berton available on Amazon: http://bit.ly/AlphaEye


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