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🗝 ‘Nobody said taking out a 6,000 year old death cult would be easy.’ 🆕 Majestic 12 Keybase post

3 years ago

Channel video #101

0:00 Introduction
0:29 New Majestic 12 Keybase post narration
1:47 New Majestic 12 Keybase post analysis
14:09 A "reintroduction" to my channel for newcomers
19:01 Talking about my comedy channel (lol)

Limited time to make this video. I missed out on alot of things I meant to say in the video. This is just a short update video. Will say more in future videos. See the links section below for everything that I mentioned in the video:

✅ My NEW Majestic 12 Keybase posts (PDF): https://mega.nz/file/UhkD0apA#cGXwHLXGO0od26589Qgf_AYJyi5H3s4e0OmL_5gfGL0
🛸 MJ12 screenshots: https://mega.nz/folder/Sm4WgSzL#HD7RozZN5q5j6GMwnMxEuA

Best Majestic 12 videos:
👽 Majestic 12: The 100,000 ft. view (summary of the big picture) @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 [Archives] analysis

👽 Majestic 12: MJ12 History 🤯 (early long threads compilation) - @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 [Archives] analysis

PLAYLIST: 👽 Majestic 12: Summaries (@TS_SCI_MAJIC12 archives analysis): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhJhTenO3kR29DwUX_sL5qTrOabP2EEPq

My channel’s accounts
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/MAJICEYESQNLY
Bitchute (+ archive): https://www.bitchute.com/channel/majic_eyes_qnly/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MAJICEYESQNLY:1
Rumble #2 (archive): https://rumble.com/c/MAJICEYESQNLYARCHIVE
Twitter #2 (RIP #1): https://twitter.com/MAJIC_EARS_QNLY
Telegram: https://t.me/MAJICEYESQNLYchannel
MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/Fo8wxQxR#1a1_st2SLrzfvnxLN1u_LQ

Majestic 12 Twitter archives: https://mega.nz/folder/lxsnyQJI#rf1kwDCK-u4teOFVlFChJg
Majestic 12 Telegram archives: https://mega.nz/folder/QotWELiB#5WlwznrHit7-0-Ps9qFkOQ

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