👽 Majestic 12: MJ12 History 🤯 (early long threads compilation) - @TS_SCI_MAJIC12 [Archives] analysis

3 years ago

Channel video #95

0:00 Introduction
1:24 #1 ‘The Majestic 12 was a secret group of 12 individuals’ (25 Aug 18)
12:24 #2 ‘We did not understand them at first.’ (23 Aug 18)
18:15 #3 ’007 Spectre was a disclosure of the risk with creating mass surveillance technology’ (26 Aug 18)
24:26 #4 ‘Ranking franchises with respect to their Disclosure efforts’ (31 Aug 18)
27:13 #5 ‘Roswell beings educated Mil Intel about consciousness’ (30 Sep 18)
33:38 #6 ‘The preparations and groundwork laid out by past administrations… for an alien invasion’ (8 Nov 18)
N/a #7 *I edited out this thread because it was irrelevant to the video
36:36 #8 ‘Florida’s Broward County and Palm Beach County play a critical role’ (12 Nov 18)
43:38 #9 ‘Who created the original couple?’ (24 Nov 18)
45:36 #10 ‘Majestic 12 was very evil a short period ago’ (14 Nov 18)
52:31 #11 ‘Go back to July 4th 2001’ (14 Nov 18)
55:05 #12 ‘Part of the strategy to Pizzagate was we needed a KEY to unlock the NSA’ (15 Nov 18)
56:44 #13 ‘A political virus weaponised by the Pentagon at the request of Majestic 12’ (20 Nov 18)
1:00:35 #14 ‘Projecting dates alters events. Events not dates dictate the Matrix’ (4 Dec 18)
1:03:13 #15 ‘H/O sold Israel to Iran and got the Russian to help’ (5 Dec 18)
1:07:02 #16 ‘Rouge actors need money. Clowns in America need help’ (6 Dec 18)
1:11:54 #17 ‘Humans have a tendency while in lower developmental stages of what humans call life’ (7 Dec 18)
1:14:19 #18 ‘We are Disclosing vital information about the fundamental structure of society’ (7 Dec 18)
1:19:21 #19 ‘Transparency and trust are essential to creating a personal relationship with other life forms’ (22 Dec 18)
1:23:04 #20 ‘Anyone claiming to have foreknowledge of the specific events leading up to the Military Tribunals’ (24 Dec 18)
1:26:28 #21 ‘Please stop spreading disinformation/misinformation pertaining to this account’ (30 Dec 18)
1:28:53 #22 ‘Was the USA a nation that defended all human beings equally under the law in 1946?’ (4 Jan 19)
1:33:12 #23 ‘Allow us to connect a few dots… pertaining to chemtrails’ (14 Jan 19)
1:35:45 #24 ‘Working hand in hand to return control back to the American People’ (Jan 19 19)
1:38:37 #25 ‘Here’s the 40,000ft view: Majestic 12 was created as a result of Roswell’ (Feb 2 19)
1:40:35 #26 ’The technology that came directly from Majestic 12/Working Group/Pengaton’ (Feb 28 19)
1:44:02 Conclusion

This video was a compilation of old Majestic 12 threads.

This video belongs to this playlist:
Playlist: 👽 Majestic 12: Summaries (@TS_SCI_MAJIC12 [Archives] analysis)

Graphics from this video (my MEGA): https://mega.nz/folder/JgtgXZba#aps1-25fsPTmIMfqMLysdg
The graphics were compiled from here (my MEGA): https://mega.nz/folder/lxsnyQJI#rf1kwDCK-u4teOFVlFChJg

Further watching! Other related MAJIC EYES QNLY videos to this one:
My current theory about present events:
DEEP INSIDE THE MILITARY’S TRAP 🚨🚨🚨: https://youtu.be/ObuDjwGGxlo
👽 FIRST CONTACT (+ Disclosure): https://youtu.be/dXs46NDFxQY
👩🏼 ALICE feat. Alice : https://youtu.be/ohrB3_PuhCM

My channel’s accounts
Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/MAJICEYESQNLY
Bitchute (+ archive): https://www.bitchute.com/channel/majic_eyes_qnly/
Odysee: https://odysee.com/@MAJICEYESQNLY:1
Rumble #2 (archive): https://rumble.com/c/MAJICEYESQNLYARCHIVE
Twitter #2 (RIP #1): https://twitter.com/MAJIC_EARS_QNLY
Telegram: https://t.me/MAJICEYESQNLYchannel
MEGA: https://mega.nz/folder/Fo8wxQxR#1a1_st2SLrzfvnxLN1u_LQ

Majestic 12 Twitter archives: https://mega.nz/folder/lxsnyQJI#rf1kwDCK-u4teOFVlFChJg
Majestic 12 Telegram archives: https://mega.nz/folder/QotWELiB#5WlwznrHit7-0-Ps9qFkOQ

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