Ezekiel 16:44-63 THE LORD'S FAITHLESS BRIDE part 3

3 years ago

The Lord's Faithless Bride
A Parable of Jerusalem Marriage
Ezekiel 16:44-63

Israel's sin was more detestable than Samaria and Sodom. God promises to judge Israel but then His anger will subside.

God's grace will restore the entire land! But Israel will be ashamed because of their sins compared to their neighbors, Sodom and Samaria's sins.

Beware replacement theology. God's promises here are to Israel, not the Church. The Church is NOT new Israel. the Church receives different promises under the New Covenant.

America's governing rulers are likewise allowed to continue with their lawlessness. This allowance fosters lawlessness. Sin is a disregard for the Law and for the Law Maker.

Now the Church itself has marginalized, perverted the Law of God. We see many "Christians" falling away. The Lord didn't spare Israel from judgment and will not spare the Church or America either.

Repent, Church! Rise up and make Jesus known!

#Ezekiel #grace #forgiveness #Israel #church #newisrael #cancelculture #wokeness #justice #Judgment #love

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