How to stop snoring!

3 years ago

Grada has been complaining a lot about me snoring!
I end up with bruises all around my ribs from being prodded at night.
What is snoring?
And what can I do about it?
Snoring is noisy breathing through the mouth or nose due to vibrating the soft tissues of a narrowed throat.
Snoring is more likely when you have a cold, sinusitis or some other reason for a stuffy nose.
Snoring is more common when you sleep on your back.
Habitual night-time snorers, however, tend to share certain characteristics.
The typical snorer is:
• Male
• Aged between 30 and 65 years
• Overweight
• May have high blood pressure
• May be told that snoring is worse with alcohol and with a cold.
It’s estimated that around 20% of the population snores at night!
Imagine what the noise vibrations of one fifth of the population is doing at night time?
Snoring isn’t physically harmful to the person who snores, but is highly irritating to anyone kept awake by it.
More men snore than women (yes Grada can snore too, I can tell you!) with around one quarter of males prone to snoring.
Ever since I cut out high starch carbohydrates and sugars and followed more of a Ketogenic style diet my nasal passages have cleared.
If I get a bit of a cold and my nose blocks I sniff a drop of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) from the chemist, up into my sinuses/each nostril and within half a minute I can breathe through my nose again.
Usually they stay clear for the rest of the night.
A mum of a teenage son came to me once asking what she could do for her sun who had suffered with allergies, causing him to have interrupted sleep most nights.
This had been happening ever since he was very young.
She had tried all types of antihistamines with only temporary results.
She had an appointment for her son to see the ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgeon to operate on his nasal passages.
One of my brothers had this same op years ago and nearly died from a post op bleed!
So no, it wouldn’t be my choice of action.
This young teenage boy’s condition often worsened in the spring and summer with the pollens and grass dust etc.
I advised the mum to find a local beekeeper and ask for some of the cappings that are cut from the honey comb before the honey can be extracted and get her son to chew on the wax cappings as often as he wanted.
Preferably a few times a day.
This gives a homeopathic dose of all the pollens from around the district and will knock things like hayfever and a lot of pollen allergies on the head.
The next thing was for him to sniff a couple of drops or a spray of 3% hydrogen peroxide into each nostril.
And thirdly have a good probiotic to heal and seal leaky gut which has most likely been allowing candida toxins and spores to flood his system.
The best probiotics to heal and seal the gut and revert candida to normal levels are the spore based bacilli.
Since the fear of the c virus has disrupted the world and particularly flying we haven’t been able to get our regular supply of probiotics
I did some research into spore based bacilli and they appear to be superior to all other probiotics as they withstand the stomach acid and other digestive juices.
They also withstand antibiotics.
So they will continue to enhance your immune system even if you require a course.
Most chronic sinus problems can be contributed to candida being present.
This causes the mucous membranes to be irritated and produce excess mucous providing a warm, moist environment for bacteria, viruses and yeasts to grow.
The first night he just sniffed the few drops of hydrogen peroxide 3% and guess what?
He slept through the night with no breathing difficulties for the first time in years!
And continued to do so.
He continued with a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide 3% and started chewing the honey cappings from a local beekeeper.
It has to be local so all the same pollens we breathe in are in the cappings.
He is swallowing his spore based probiotics AND Mum cancelled the ENT appointment.
Anyone suffering with candida, which is probably about 80% of the population, would benefit greatly from an energy healing session to help clear the effects of it’s toxins from their body. (80% of the adult population has a leaky gut and doesn’t know it……from Luke Storey podcast article), link below
Go to to book a diagnostic energy medicine session.
We stock a brand called YouTheory pre-and probiotic blend which includes 3 different spore bacilli.
Syntol is another probiotic blend with spore based bacilli we have had for years specifically for candida control.
We have Probiotic Foods for kids, women, pets and everyone, including for those fructose and gluten intolerant and a blend to help you sleep!
Our favourite Immuno Synbiotic blends are hopefully winging their way from the states as we speak.
Phone us on 0428283007 or email

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