Drink This Juice Before Bedtime to Stop Snoring Naturally

6 years ago

Whenever you snore all night long, you don’t really get any rest. Neither does the person sleeping next to you. This may cause serious problems for your health and your relationship.

The main cause of snoring in adults is obesity. However, not only obese people snore. People who aren’t overweight can also snore or suffer from sleep apnea (small pauses in breathing while sleeping), due to the shape of their mouth. Age can also affect snoring. As we age, we lose muscle mass, which creates flaccidity around our throat and keeps air from passing correctly.

If you suffer from this problem, or know anyone who does, you should know that there are several ways to improve this condition.

- Peppermint oil gargle

Try to do this before going to bed. Add a drop of peppermint oil to a cup of cold water.

Attention: Don't drink the water, gargle it.

- Peppermint tea gargle

Some people may prefer gargling with tea. All you have to do is put a handful of peppermint leaves in a cup of hot water.

Wait for it to cool, strain it, and gargle.

- Nettle tea

Sometimes, snoring is caused by dust and hair allergies.

If this is your case, you need to drink nettle tea.

Boil a cup of water, add some dry nettle leaves (you can buy them at a health food store) and cover the cup.

After ten minutes, drink the tea.

This recipe is a great antihistamine and should be consumed before gong to bed.

- Anti-snoring juice

Blend a 3 centimeter long piece of ginger (grated), 2 medium carrots, 2 apples, the juice of 2 lemons, and enough water to top off the blender. Strain the mixture and drink it right away.

Always do this a half hour before going to bed.

- Rue and olive oil

Put 50 grams of rue in a dark jar and cover it with olive oil.

Cover the jar and let it sit in a dark, dry area for 14 days.

After the time of infusion, apply it on your nose, neck (throat area) and the nape of your neck.

But first, preform an allergy test: apply a little of the oil on your elbow, wait a while, and if you don't experience any irritation, you can use it it freely.

- Onion and salt

Cut a medium sized onion and place it on a small plate.

Sprinkle some salt on it.

Put the plate on your bedside table and leave it there all night long while you are sleeping.

- Cardamom

Mix half a teaspoon of cardamom seeds (powdered or crushed) in a cup of warm water. Drink this mixture half an hour before going to bed.


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