Daylight Savings -- Should We Spring Forward For Good? That is what the Sunshine Protection Act Says

3 years ago

#Daylight Savings #SpringForward #SunshineProtectionAct

It is that time of year again when we "Spring Forward". I have a love / hate with the "Fall Back" for sure when it abruptly gets darker earlier. I would rather just pick one or the other. If I had my pick, I would probably want to keep Standard time though, because being light later at night does disrupt sleep schedules more for me personally. Health officials also state that Standard time is probably better to adapt for children who go to bed earlier, but we should just pick a standard, because the changing times twice a year do impact sleep cycles. Heart attacks, car accidents and work accidents all peak during the week after the spring change when we have a 23 hr day. We are so sleep deprived as a nation that just one hour change can have a harmful effect on us all.

I know that Russia changed to permanent Daylight Savings from 2011-2014 but citizens did not like the late sunrises in the winter time, so Russia switched to permanent Standard time in 2014. Either way, I say lets either pass the Sunshine Protection Act or do away with the changes one way or another.

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Are you a Sleep Bulemic? -
Better Bedtime Routines for Better Sleep -
Give Yourself the Gift of Good Sleep! How to Sleep Well without Pills, Powders, or Potions -
Ever Feel So Tired that No Amount of Sleep Helps? There are Actually 7 Kinds of Rest We Need! -
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