Healing Power of Animals

3 years ago

Meet one of my cats, Chico. Isn't he handsome? I cannot imagine my life without pets, and yes that is pets with an "s", plural! I counted it up and I have only been without at least one pet about 8 out of 50 years. Most of the time we have at least two as my parents always wanted their dogs to have a "buddy". I even did that with my first cat and made sure to get another cat so he wouldn't be lonely.

Almost all of my pets have been some kind of rescue, but I really think they have rescued us at times. I think that having pets helped my Dad after Vietnam and later in life, he outlived many doctors expectations. Could it be that he felt needed and loved by all those pets. I also know that we rescued a puppy named we named Carolina from dying on a riverbank, but she rescued my Mum after my Dad died.

I know that not everyone feels the way I do about animals and I especially know that having a pet is a responsibility and sometimes when we aren't well, we may not be up to the extra work and sometimes stress. In those cases, I think that YouTube videos of kittens and puppies or Animal Planet shows, or trips to a cat cafe or something can still be done to allow the healing nature of animal contact.

I would love to hear your healing animal experiences. Do you have Florence "Furringale" in your life? Share your comments below!

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