Washington: Pike place Market at night 2015 A look at the hidden treasures of the market

3 years ago

The Pike place Market is known as a place that is always busy sometimes it can take 5 minutes to move 15 feet there are so many people. Here’s what it looks like after hours, when everyone has gone home.
Now you can see some of the hidden art, places you never knew were there, or maybe heard of but never wanted to see in person, like the gum wall. The Pike place market area has a plethora of restaurants and bars that are always open, but the market itself is pretty eerie when it’s empty.
During this shoot, I was trying out a new camera, a Sony A7. Beautiful camera, but there was a bit of a learning curve to figure out the lighting settings. So a lot of the pictures are yellow from the lighting, but the pictures are still beautiful.
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Use Unicorn heads for music, it should fit perfectly for nighttime in Seattle.
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