The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 18A - A Summary: The Jesuitical Masonic Reality - As Things Stand!

3 years ago

In this world of lies and deception people hold onto many misconceptions about the current Luciferian reality. Failure to understand what is actually going on places any individual at a disadvantage as they cannot identify the enemy or the danger. The Jesuit Masonic criminal cabal have set thing up this way so that people are lulled into a state of ignorance unaware of their fate. Autonomous sovereign governments are a fiction, freedom is a fiction, democracy is a fiction and much of history has been altered leaving the truth seeker in a difficult position when looking for the truth. The Jesuits have created a massive world deception that has enslaved the minds of men in a satanic reality of which most are unaware. The key is Jesus Christ who provides the escape from slavery and bondage into a glorious liberty, free from guilt, sin, despair and death!

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