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The Lawsuit To Rule Them All


  • 0/2000
  • it's way more than 37% , I'm certain like 80% supreme Court has to hear from every single one of us, they're worried about the radical left, instead of american patriots who were Cheated

  • If I hear Russia one more time I'm going to lose my shit. I'm over this . Round these traders to our country up and put them in prison where they belong. .

  • if the state votes get thrown out. it will go to the 12th Amendment. Trump will be selected by the house to be president. Trump will be able to run again in 2024. because he wasn't elected by the people. he was selected by congress.

  • keep up the fight patriots. greetings from Belgium WWG1WGA

  • Wow!! She admitts that China has a relationship with the State of California!!! A foreign country has a relationship with a state in the U S.. That statement is just very scar, but makes perfect sense to how this state is run. Yes, sadly we are patriots in a corrupt state-- and cant wait to escape this plantation. Its just sad that the libtards in cahoots with China destroyed the great state.

  • We must learn from History - they are wanting to destabilize USA - this is the same start as the Bolshevik Revolution 😠😠😠😠😠😠😠😠

  • In foreign countries they can pay the people a lot less that's why Google, Facebook and Twitter had such a problem with Trump's deal limiting jobs for Americans 1st...... What hypocrites ....Right

  • I listend to your news show here on Rumble last night. Ive been meaning to join D-Live and Pilled , but havent got around to it yet-- but will soon. Anyway, since you wondered about Ted Cruz.... just wanted to let you know that he has always been a firm constitutionalist lawyer. He is the real deal when it comes to that aspect. This is why many liked him when he ran for president. It wasnt yet his time though. We needed a tough one -- like Trump... to deal with the cabal & take them down. We still need him!!

  • I want to make sure viewers understand how Rep Johnson flat out just broke the second commandment, taking the Lord's name in vain (carrying out falsely in the Lord's name). This is not a Christian attitude. In fact this seems a little demonic to me as a Christian.

  • I want to make sure viewers understand how Rep Johnson flat out just broke the third commandment, taking the Lord's name in vain (carrying out falsely in the Lord's name). This is not a Christian attitude. In fact this seems a little demonic to me as a Christian.

  • id like to know about Cruz too...

    1 like
  • you are right on.WWG1WGA...WW... picture and sound out of sync the last 20 min or so

    1 like
  • WOW!!! I didn’t know Chris Cuomo from CNN was a journalist!!??! An actual journalist!

    1 like
  • From Arizona

    1 like
  • The Marine was spot on!! Ooorah! brother!!