Stop Your Suffering Lyme Disease Yoga - Mental Time Out

3 years ago

Have you ever had one of those "I can't take it anymore!" moments in your Lyme disease recovery journey? I sure did and they are NOT fun. They are scary, and really disheartening. Its as if you suddenly become disconnected to the world around you. You feel misunderstood, maybe a bit confused and really, really ill from Lyme disease.

I know that when I felt frustrated and angry and at my wits end about betting better, for me, angry was my biggest stumbling block. It seemed to make a miserable illness even more miserable.

The worst part was feeling angry about almost everything . Plus, instead of it just being a moment of frustration that happens to everyone now and then, it would linger for a day or more.

I finally decided to use my yoga tools and methods to see which ones would help me break out of the angry rut I was stuck in. This Mental Time Out methos was and easy one for me to remember at the time so I did it often. What I found out was not only did it help me get out of an angry episode, the "time out" yoga tool helped me reduce the anger and make it more manageable so it didn't linger as long. And I noticed I had less anger over all .
The really great side benefit I noticed was this Mental Time Out sequence I have for you in this video reduced other intense emotions like depression . I hope you find this helpful in your recovery from Lyme disease too! There is nothing I like more than helping you stop your suffering! Hugs and Rainbows.

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In this video:
One simple method focused on stopping anger and other intense emotions.
A breathing practice
An optional eye position/gaze
How to do it
When to do it
Effective length of time
Mario the busy puppy :-D

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