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General Flynn and Joe M - URGENT Message to Praying Medic (UPDATE: SGT Report follows!!!)

4 years ago

JENNIFER MAC’s be deliciously healthy® NEWS at https://www.thejennifermac.com

Jennifer Mac is now on RUMBLE https://rumble.com

📚BOOK by JMAC -THE RIGHT BLEND: Blender-only Raw Food Recipes http://amzn.to/2dDRnGU

📚BOOK by JMAC - DETOX DELISH: Your Guide to Clean Eating http://amzn.to/2e9jT3X

What is Cue-anon - Beginner's Guide for Family & Friends

Cue-anon VS Mainstream Media - The War for Your Mind

In Search of Vincent Fusca


  • 0/2000
  • JFK JR is alive. MR TRUMP picked him up. False flag. He only had a son, he also has a DAUGHTER who happens to be KALEIGH McInerny who was Mr PRESIDENT TRUMP speaker in W.H. pay attention. Do your research. Pinterest tells all. He is alive. I'll give you ANOTHER 1. MR PRESIDENT TRUMP AND JFK was sworn in as 19TH PRESIDENT Behind Ulysses S Grant under a REPUBLIC and JFK was sworn in as OUR V.P. on March 11th 2021. They been keeping it secret but MR PRESIDENT TRUMP IS COMING out Aug 13th. JFK has been WORKING HARD to FIGHT crimes. He said he would get all INVOLVED who KILLED HIS FATHER and he DID. Deep state us gone. Why do you even care about who follows who? So what about it. This program makes NO SENSE AT ALL.

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