Adorable pooch pounces during playtime

5 years ago

Faithful, kind, affectionate, loyal - all these complementary characteristics apply to dogs that know their owners, like no other. Imagine what kind of secrets your beloved furry amigo could tell about you, if only it could talk. These kind words are just about what sums up man's best friend!

Puppies grow at a remarkable pace, and pretty soon, even the heaviest newspaper would not be a match for this obedient pooch. He will be fetching that paper like a joke. In the meantime, the owner will enjoy watching his adorable struggle. We all know how pups will do anything to please their humans, from learning new tricks and performing them with highest honors, to making faces and doing silly things around the house. There are many canine breeds that take the award for being the fastest learners, which makes them the ideal pet for dull folks.

Teaching your puppies a few tricks is always a great idea. You start by teaching them some basic commands, like ‘sit’, ‘stay’, and ‘heel’.These will make sure that your pet always understands the authority in the pack that is your family, keeping you cool and itself secure. But if you can only teach your dog one trick in its whole life, then you better train it to fetch you a beer! And as dogs love good praise, the excitement in your voice when that cool bubbly refreshment comes down with a little bit of doggy slobber on it makes the whole struggle of pulling a rag and poking its nose into a cool fridge worth the while! Besides, hey, it fetches!

Let’s not fool ourselves, there are a lot of canines out there that can actually open a fridge door and fetch a bottle from inside. The one thing most of them do not do is close that damn door afterward! Either they are not able to understand the concept of power saving, or are just too damn excited to please their owners! Talk about the way this doggy just hunts the dog down. What we see is the owner throw the ball to the back of the room and this doggy just elegantly walk down to meet the ball as it just bounced from the back wall. Guess what, this guy is not just going to run up and grab it foolishly. That's right, he stalks and watches as if this ball is his pray! What a hunter!

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