Dog Buried Up To Neck Enjoys Healing Power Of Sand

5 years ago

What an amazing story! It seems like we can never get enough of the pupper awesomeness. They keep us at our toes with their antics and melt us into puddles of mush when they turn on their charm.

We all have that special nook in the house that is ours and no one else’s. It is the place we would like to curl ourselves in a ball in and just lay until the end of time, or at least until our problems or the bad weather pass us by.

Dogs are very much like us in that manner. Our loving pets, too, have a comfortable nest where they love to sit and wait for us to show them some love. We might give them the most comfortable dog beds or even let them sleep on down feathers, but they would still climb on our beds or sleep on the cat bed when we turn our attention to something else.

They are creatures of habit which means that they find comfort in the things they already know and are aware of. But sometimes, dog can get quite adventurous. If you don’t believe us, just take a look at this video.

In this video we have a lovely, very calm Jack Russel that just can't resist but let his owner bury him up to his neck in sand as he had read a few nights before that warm sand has some truly powerful healing power. This guy is all about being up to date with all the new trends of self care and simply being beautiful.

Dogs are absolutely amazing. They remind us of smaller and hairier versions of humans that love nothing more than to have fun. It seems like we can never get enough of the puppy awesomeness. They keep us at our toes with their antics and melt us into puddles of mush when they turn on their charm. They are like our furry offspring that likes to wake us up early in the morning to go potty but we don’t mind because they are adorable.

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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