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6 days ago

Support the fund for Dr Monzo's upcoming Scottsdale AZ class. I'm looking to become an ATB practitioner. I won't be able to cover it without your help.

It's a chance to see Dr.Monzo in-person again and stream in the evenings from Scottsdale letting you know how its going and what I'm learning (in brief summary.)

Thank You. I really need to add some other avenue of work to my repertoire. Things are diminishing rapidly.


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  • Dan, I know how you feel. Being someone who has succeeded quite a bit in "Hollywood" considering I'm an actual normal dude who put over a decade into my music/acting career, I did experience a "hitting the ceiling" of sorts, multiple times. Every time I gained a certain amount of momentum, I am somehow thwarted and that momentum is diffused. To put it simply, I have a Grammy, have been on TV/film, have many placements, and a nice resume - yet I very likely make as much, if not less money than yourself. I also work a day job. Why? The real money/notoriety is reserved for the "special bios" etc... As we have grown in years and experience, we now know why this is. It's simply because we aren't in the club, as George Carlin once said long ago. The main reason the evil ones are always placing boundaries and hurdles in front of you is because you are doing the RIGHT thing. Period. You know what? I am glad we're not in their disgusting club! Lol. I wholeheartedly enjoy your content. I may not agree with everything you say (nobody agrees with everything anyone says; but that's not what real support or friendship is about). You're making a difference in your own way, and it has a positive effect. For example, I live in Cali and more "normies" than ever before tell me everyday they are now "conspiracy theorists" - I kid you not! Even my neighbors. That's because of you and many others like yourself. The yearning for TRUTH is growing daily. Y'all must keep forging ahead... for your own sanity, and for everyone else's, haha. In the end, know that if no one else sees this... God & Jesus do... and we do. You've got a lot of love coming at you from afar, brotha. Don't be so hard on yourself, take a breather, go one step at a time, and give the problems you cannot bear to God. Evil loses in the endgame. PS. My fam & I personally love your rants... you're saying what we're all thinking. It's refreshing! Haha. We love ya, Dan! Oh, and you still look like David Lee Roth! :)

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  • Last week's The Highwire, has this woman Del brings on to talk about how they put together a subject they do a show on. Basically she starts and brings up one subject which takes her to another subject, by the time she is done she has connected all these different subjects, and given in depth crucial bits and pieces of let's say climate change into the fog info, with more information all from government freedom of information act requests. It was by far a great amount of information about what is getting us sick. I really would advise everyone to watch this episode, you included. Wish I knew how to attach it on here, but I don't.

  • https://thehighwire.com/ark-videos/climate-control/

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  • frikin tell'em!!!

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  • I am privileged to own and have read your book, and appreciate everything you have read and presented online. Please take a breath and work at your own comfortable pace. Family first.

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  • Thanks for the honesty, Dan. Appreciate the message. We’re here for you whatever you decide to do, Brother! I personally really like the idea of starting more positive, wholesome, family oriented and skill oriented instructional content. I agree that this kind of “culture building/restoration” is what we need more focus on. Building instead of criticizing. And on the book subject, I’d say it sounds like your at the point where you should take a break from other people’s books and focus on your own next book for a while😁 lol. Take Care O7