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Young Hearts Part 65


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  • Some things from this video that I looked up: Rugby star Hassane Kolingar had a sudden, unexpected heart attack aged just 26. He thinks chewing tobacco caused it. Did he get the heart attack-inducing COVID jabs? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/rugbyunion/article-14253011/Rugby-star-Hassane-Kolingar-cardiac-arrest-heart-attack-age-snus-tobacco.html Norwegian biathlete Tandrevold undergoes heart surgery. Will she return to biathlon? What could be the causing the sudden explosion of heart issues in these young pro athletes? https://dailysports.net/news/norwegian-biathlete-tandrevold-undergoes-heart-surgery-will-she-return-to-biathlon/ DNA Risks in Vaccines?! Investigative Report on ALARMING Discoveries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Qe_IFmg8KU

    1 like
  • The gift that keeps on giving :-(

    1 like
  • Truly heartbreaking