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Episode 2880: Conferences of St. John Cassian - On Friendship - Part 3

28 days ago

In "Conference Sixteen on Friendship Part III Conclusion," Fr. David Abernethy discusses the final part of St. John Cassian's teachings on true friendship. Cassian and Germanus conclude their discussion with Abba Joseph by examining various forms of feigned patience that conceal underlying anger and bitterness. They caution against using outward displays of virtue, such as smooth words or increased silence, to mask inner hostility, as these can become tools to wound others.

Abba Joseph emphasizes that the goal is not only to avoid personal anger but also to soothe and calm any annoyance arising in others. True sanctity cannot exist at the expense of others; instead, one must enlarge their heart to receive and transform others' wrath through love and humility. By performing humble acts of reparation, individuals should seek to diminish anger at every opportunity rather than inflame it.

This teaching aligns with Cassian's broader perspective on indissoluble friendship, which is based on similarity of virtue and is unbroken by external circumstances, including death. Such true and unbroken love grows through the mutual perfection and goodness of friends, and no differences in preferences or opposing desires can sever it.