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Author Patrick Clancey: Publishing My Book Dramatically Increased My Business

1 month ago

Author Patrick Clancey shares how publishing his book Yo, Coach! dramatically increased his coaching business. He says when he gives a copy of his book to a prospective client, he's no longer selling. They are buying!

Buy Yo, Coach here: https://www.amazon.com/Professional-Coaching-Transforms-Business-Gameplan/dp/1958711918/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19SF5LMB1B996&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.Vf1ujXOUVJUkhS37bwis5insvtUj2mKYnqn5jqzzuOMX1wRc00-ufULzrEQuYHc-NvSri9pEpK7MoKhhnP585GBHJ_KUzS2oxxblUU7YEy0.fDOAzEaxYrrT14M9F2m6n0MdSoLbEaSSCLCYMYPSIwI&dib_tag=se&keywords=Yo+coach+patrick+clancey&qid=1734042201&sprefix=yo+coach+patrick+clancey%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-1

Or order it everywhere books are sold.
Find inspiration and information at the intersection of publishing and RVing! Jennifer Bright, founding CEO of Bright Communications--a woman veteran-owned independent publisher in Hellertown, Pennsylvania, shares tips from her decades of experience in publishing and brings you along on her journey as a new RVer! She'll interview authors about their books and publishing journeys--at her RV dinette! Along the way, she'll include tips on parenting, pets, and Disney travel. Buckle up--let's go!

Types of videos include:
* Basics on publishing
* Info on how to find a publisher
* Answers to common questions about publishing
* Steps in publishing a book
* Tips and tricks to publishing books
* Avoiding common pitfalls
* Advice on researching and buying an RV
* Tips on driving an RV
* Tips on storing an RV
* Tips on traveling in an RV

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