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**I’m meeting you in your tears; I will redeem the time, the pain, and the loss through the cross.**

Joseph Z brings us a message of hope and encouragement, disclosing ways to gain God’s promises, overcome the present evil age, and live in the fullness of what God has for us.
He explains that everything we do is based on sowing and reaping, and how we respond to others’ situations is a way of sowing into our future. He leads us to Galatians 6:1-6 to elaborate on this, for we’re cautioned against being caught in sin. Still, as those who live by the Spirit, we’re expected to restore one another gently while watching ourselves; otherwise, we may also be tempted. This verse further cautions against being deceived into thinking that we can mock God; He cannot be mocked, for what a man sows, he shall reap. Joseph insists that we cannot be tempted if we do not harbor thoughts of such temptation; therefore, we must be wary because if we sow in the flesh, we will reap corruption, but if we sow in the Spirit, we will reap everlasting life in Christ.

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Next, Joseph asserts that standing on God’s word without mixing it with our faith is futile, for the highest purpose of God’s word is to create faith in us. He insists that faith brings this world to its knees, and all the just shall live by faith, as shown in the Book of Romans 1:16-25. He urges us to sow God’s word into our lives to overcome this present evil age. He helps us understand that the gates of hell cannot overcome the ecclesia unless the ecclesia participates and becomes a tool in the devil’s hands to wreak havoc on itself. He cautions that the body of Christ must embrace God’s word or suffer the consequences of failing to do so.

Joseph further warns that there will be multifaceted deception outside the body of Christ, with signs and wonders in the skies, rumors of war, and disruptions inside the church; thus, there is a need to embrace God’s word at this time. He urges us to be more observant and desist from commenting on things we have little or no understanding of. He references the Book of Hebrews 6:1-12 to caution against sluggishness but to imitate those who gained the promise through faith and patience. He asserts that we can receive every promise made to us by God, for those who walk in faith will have the same blessing that was upon Abraham. He then explains that trials come to destroy us, but God chastises us by His words and not by ruining us, for we find ourselves in difficulties when we disobey God’s word.

Additionally, Joseph explains that prayer and fasting help our unbelief and do not move God but us; we only overcome the world by faith. Again, he instructs that Christ has liberated us from the curse of the law, but we can reintroduce it into our lives by participating in things that make room for the curse to take root in us. He insists that we must not participate in tearing others down because our actions are seeds sown into our future, for the measure we give is the same measure we receive. In conclusion, he urges us to cast our cares on the Lord, for He cares for us.

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