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Defeating A Counterfeit Anointing | Voice of God with Joseph Z
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PROPHECY— “I will Surprise Them ALL!!” Saw visions of NEW MAP OF AMERICA!!
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Will nations look to Aliens for their salvation soon?
Joseph Z exposes the alien agenda in today’s prophetic broadcast. We see a clip showing footage of a craft with aliens aboard, alongside another that details a recent activity suspected to be UFOs/UAPs. Also, he shares a 2015 clip showing a clear UFO Metapod filed in Spain. However, Joseph believes these narratives are deceptive mechanisms geared toward mass control. He further insists that these alien creatures are demonic entities and we must rebuke them in Jesus’s name whenever we encounter any of them.
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Interestingly, we will learn that the Roman Catholic church is also interested in what lies behind our universe, what with the Vatican Observatory that houses powerful telescopes used to monitor extraterrestrial activities. Another interesting fact is that one of the telescopes in the Vatican’s Observatory is named Lucifer, and one of the Vatican’s prominent astronomers reveals that nations will look to aliens for their salvation soon. Nonetheless, Joseph asserts that anytime anyone's looking for anything beyond Jesus, they’re setting themselves up for deception.
Additionally, Joseph discloses there will be a rise in the UFO/UAP narratives while insisting that the Nephilim obsession is taking people’s attention from the real issues. He reminds us of God’s word in Revelation 9, warning about the manifestation of certain demonic entities from the bottomless pit. Again, he informs us that UFOs could be Project Blue Beam, a new tech, or real entities manifesting in the physical, owing to the activities that open up the bottomless pit. He further leads us to the Book of Luke 21 to remind us of Christ's warning about the end times and how men’s hearts will fail them because of things that will come through the atmosphere. He prays for peace in our lives while urging us to read God’s word consistently until it starts talking back to us.
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What Is Coming Next!
In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z reveals what to expect in the coming years. He leads us to the Book of Matthew 24:15-20 to remind us of God’s warning about the end times. He also makes us understand that we can hasten the Lord’s coming because He allows us to see certain things so that we can participate in turning things around. Like the sons of Issachar, we’re expected to discern the signs of the times, what to do about it, and align with the right tribe to achieve it.
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Next, Joseph asserts that mature believers, who will stand up to darkness against all odds are needed now. He also revisits the events God showed him at the beginning of the year and what to expect in the coming years. He urges that we quit loving ourselves and channel our love to God as God’s word in Revelation 12:11 says, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death”. Reassuringly, he urges us not to be afraid for God is with us while reminding us that this year is a do-over year, and God gives us a do-over not to repeat the last tragedy; for the battle is not over until we win.
Furthermore, he insists that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, thus, we must rise to the occasion to push back against darkness. He further reminds us that the US will go through a time of darkness, and a storm with a shelter in the middle of it where everyone who runs to it will be saved. He then concludes with a prayer against the spirit of fatigue, rebuking it in the name of Jesus.
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In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z explains the ideology of eternity past, and future. He explains eschatology, disclosing that the coming of Jesus started a segment of time known as the church age, the age of grace, or the last days. Also, he clarifies that there will be a catching away of the saints at the appointed time, followed by a seven-year period of time known as the Great Tribulation. This will lead to the BEMA judgment and the marriage supper of the lamb, followed by the battle of armageddon, and the second coming of our Lord Jesus. Interestingly, after Christ defeats the evil in the world, God will send fire from heaven followed by the great white throne judgment, eventually making way for the New heaven and the new earth.
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Next, Joseph reminds us that the gates of hell can not overcome the body of Christ(Ecclesia) and that Jesus' blood is stronger than an animal's blood. He informs us that we must act as a church and engage in intercession that pummels the kingdom of darkness to its knees; for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds. He further informs us that it’s the church’s responsibility to stand up to Goliath the way David did because the prayers of the saints can change things.
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Red Church | The Secret to Your Breakthrough!
In Red Church today, Joseph Z exposes the secret to gaining our breakthrough in every area of our lives. He makes us understand that a disciple of Christ follows His words and draws near to Him. He also brings to our knowledge that the way to get where we’re destined to be is through prayer, fasting, and radical giving. He then leads us to the Book of Hebrews 7:8 to educate us about sowing, and how it frees us from the yoke of financial difficulties.
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Again, he teaches that the gospel we’ve received is incomplete until it starts working through us. He cautions against reading the Bible to get away with things, but to read it to reap everything made available through Christ Jesus. Once more, he reminds us that Jesus paid the price of suffering and gave up the ghost for the sake of mankind. In addition, he makes us understand that when we begin to understand who we are in Christ Jesus, we become a dominating force in this world.
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THEY WILL TRY WW3 NEXT!! —Join Me in Prayer!
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NO LIMITS Q&A with Rick & Denise Renner & Joel Renner!
“Christ bore your sicknesses just as he did your sins”.
In today’s No Limit Q&A session, Joseph Z is in the studio with special guests. They address concerns surrounding false prophets, forgiveness, last-day judgment, and what is considered a lukewarm church. They frown at how false prophets use people’s misfortune for their popularity, urging the guilty parties to desist from bringing such shame to the body of Christ. Rick responds to concerns about forgiveness, revealing that Christ forgives us without flaunting our sins before us and we should do that to one another.
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Again, we’re also led to understand that a complaint not channeled to the right place is mere gossip, therefore, we’re advised not to talk about problems we can not fix. Rick also addresses the misconception about judgment on the last day, revealing that we will be judged for what we do in the present and not what we’ve done in the past.
Additionally, Joe points out that the best way to protect our hearts from offense is to avoid people who cause us pain without remorse. Once again, Rick cautions against bitterness and unforgiveness, for they are vices that can destroy our lives. On the other hand, Denice shares her experience as a minister of God, and when she began to witness the miracles of God through her. She also makes us realize that Christ bore our sicknesses just as he did our sins. Rick further addresses the concern about Christ spitting lukewarm churches out of His mouth, explaining that it doesn’t mean the church will lose their salvation but a way of Christ pointing out their backwardness and the failure in being who He has called them to be.
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Joseph Z brings us news of recent happenings in today’s prophetic broadcast. He alerts us about a frightening 20-foot-tall figure seen clinging to the side of the Colorado mountain. He believes these scenarios will rise as we get closer to the end of the times. He leads us to the Book of Revelation 9:1 to sensitize us more about these creatures and why they’re manifesting in the physical.
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Also, he brings to our understanding that these creatures are manifesting because of people’s desperation to see them. However, he reveals how to deal with them, urging us to bind them in the name of Jesus whenever we come in contact with them. He then reminds us that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the body of Christ. He concludes with a prayer, asking God for boldness not to fear what the world fears but to be filled with strength to confront darkness.
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Joseph Z is joined by a special guest on today’s broadcast, and they talk about the Endtimes countdown, the third temple, red heifers, Israel, and the coming millennium. Joseph informs us that we’re close to the “catching away of the saints” while frowning at the recent moves by the Turkish government to stop Israel in their tracks. He enlightens us about Israel’s rule over the earth and the millennium reign of Jesus, revealing that it will be intriguing to witness Jesus rule for a thousand years. He brings understanding to the term, “Babylon the Great”; asserting that it’s more of a system of the world than a specific place or a group of people.
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Next, he comments on the recent news concerning Red Heifers and its relation to end times. According to the Jewish tradition, it is believed that the Jews can not build their Temple at the Temple Mount unless a red cow is sacrificed to purify the area. Joseph points out that all these happenings are signs that the end is near. He also discloses that the rapture is real and that the body of Christ will be evacuated to reap our reward from Christ and attend the marriage supper of the lamb.
Again, he asserts that the tribulation timeline can not be altered and the pressure we now feel is to induce us to decide to follow Christ before the end eventually comes. He further reveals that one world government and the antichrist are near, thus, we must prepare ourselves for what’s to come. In conclusion, he informs us that everything is ready for the third temple to be built even though we are unsure of the appointed time.
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Voice of God TV with Joseph Z! "Your Role in the Last Days"
Joseph Z equips us with the revelatory understanding between the last days and the end times in today’s Voice of God broadcast. He leads us to the Book of Matthew 24:3-6 to remind us of Jesus’s warning about the last days while walking us through the understanding of eternity past and future. He analyzes the events of the Old Testament, leading to the New Testament, elaborating on the season of time for rapture, the great tribulation, the BEMA judgment, and the battle of Armageddon.
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Next, he clarifies that the church was born when Jesus died on the cross, and this two thousand years segment of time became the last days. He further explains that the “Last Days” is the church age, the days leading up to the great terrible day of the Lord and the return of the Lord. He then makes us understand that we’re close to the last days while revealing that the end time will take place at the end of the church age.
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What Will Be the Outcome?!
Today, Joseph Z enlightens us about the role of faith and patience in achieving our God-given vision. He describes patience as remaining completely the same as how we first felt. He leads us to the Book of Ephesians 2:8 to clarify that grace is everything Christ did for us which we access by faith; that is, we receive Christ in us by grace through faith. He further clarifies that we maintain our vision by grace through faith while informing us that now is the time to achieve what God has prepared for our lives.
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Next, Joseph shares a prophetic message from the Lord saying, “For mercy triumphs over judgment, I will do a thing that you would not believe even if you were told, I will correct what has been incorrect, I will rightsize and breakthrough. I will deal with the wicked players trying to destroy this land”. He then urges us to rise as a nation and return to our principles and foundations. Furthermore, he insists that the antichrist will not appear until the Church has been raptured because the gates of hell can not prevail against the Church.
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Apocalyptic BLINDNESS — Where we are headed NEXT! (4 YEARS to A NEW LAND!!)
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Watch Live: Harris and Trump face off in their first presidential debate!
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“The devil doesn't have the anointing, so he uses Money to keep the children of God under control”.
On today's live broadcast, Joseph Z exposes how to be delivered from the devil’s yoke. He describes humility as when we begin to increase for the sake of others while also explaining the spiritual interpretation of Isaiah 10:27. He clarifies that the anointing of God breaks the yoke in three stages: outgrowing containment by maturing, outgrowing containment by God increasing, and outgrowing the issues that used to beat us down. He explains that we become completely free from the yoke by leaning onto God’s word, praying in the spirit, and working diligently at what God has assigned us.
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Again, Joseph leads us to the Book of Galatians 6:9 to remind us not to grow weary while doing good, for in good season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart. He makes us understand that when God asks us to do something, He expects us to believe Him for it, lean into it, and begin to outgrow that yoke. He then urges us to possess the tenacity to outgrow the yoke by working diligently at what God wants us to do so that the generation behind us will have something to run with.
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“Every storm passes”. “Evil may look like it’s blooming on the horizon, but it won't last”.
In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z and Rick Renner bring us an urgent message, warning about what’s coming next. Rick shares God’s revelation about a season of intense spiritual warfare in churches, politics, and other spheres of life. He also discloses we’re in transition but the world is unaware because of numbness towards the happenings around us and inability to discern the signs of the times.
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Next, Rick cautions against believing everything we hear, urging us to discern the things we hear and always seek to confirm from other sources. Interestingly, he assures us that the third Temple will be rebuilt, marking the end of the age. He urges us not to base our faith on wishful prophecy, but rather be rooted in what the scripture says.
Furthermore, he discloses that the end will not come unless there’s a fallen away first and the world will be modified, saddled with a muteness attitude that will pave the way for the man of sin. He further reveals that rapture will take place in a dark time even though we’re already living in difficult times the times will get more challenging before the end comes. On the other hand, Rick shares some insights on his newly published Book, “The World Before the Flood”, detailing why the flood had to come and more interesting facts about the end times.
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How to Hear the Voice of God! | RED Church
“I am preparing you for a turning of the tide that’s to come”.
Today in Red Church, Joseph Z instructs us on how to hear from God. He reminds us that we will have troubles in this world; still, we’re commanded to be of good cheer, for Christ has overcome the world. He shares how we can hear from God, disclosing that the only way is to read the Bible until it starts speaking back to us and until our minds and emotions are drowned by God’s word, influencing our decisions and how we feel about whatever issues we face. Also, he points out that praying in tongues is another necessary spiritual gift we must imbibe if we must hear from God. He clarifies that when we pray in the spirit followed by fasting, we invest in our future, and with time, we begin to hear from God.
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In like manner, he explains that when we fast, we’re positioning ourselves into God’s will for our lives, for fasting does not move God, but moves us into the position to align with God’s plan. He cites the Book of Habakkuk 2:3 to enlighten us about navigating through God’s vision for our lives. He asserts that although our vision may tarry, we should wait for it. He goes on to reveal that there are things that God put inside of us that He wants us to have, which the devil perverts through religion, throwing us off the course. However, we can break out of our containment by drowning ourselves in God’s word because it’s His wish that we excel in the gifts He has blessed us with.
Additionally, he explains that revelatory moments should not be interpreted on the spot unless it’s a word of knowledge; thus we must employ faith and patience to get a clearer interpretation of the revelation to attain the promise. He then makes us understand that God knows us more than we do and will give us everything we never knew we wanted.
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How to Test a Prophetic Word w/ Rick and Denise Renner!
“Quench not the spirit”.
Discover how to test prophetic words in today’s live broadcast, as Joseph Z and Rick Renner walk us down the lane of understanding the gifts of the holy spirit and how each functions in the body of Christ. Rick cites the Book of 1 Thessalonians 5:19 to remind us of the caution against quenching the spirit of God. He explains that when we undermine any of the gifts of the holy spirit, we’re quenching the Spirit, and gifts of the Spirit are made available to the five-fold ministry because God sees the need for that. Also, he makes us understand that any gift can be falsified, thus we must be spiritually sound to discern the spirit behind any gift of prophecy.
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Interestingly, Joseph points out that some people can employ gifting to assert dominance over people. Still, we can judge prophetic words by following God’s word in 1 Corinthians 14:26-29, “Everything must be done so that the church may be built up. If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and God. Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said”.
Rick enlightens us more, leading us to the Book of 1 Thessalonians 5:21 to establish the importance of judging a prophetic word once received; insisting that we must judge whether a prophetic word is right or wrong. On the other hand, Joseph brings to our understanding that the ultimate goal of the prophetic is to equip and edify the body of Christ. Again, Rick makes us understand that we’re all members of the prophetic because we have God’s spirit in us, and exhibiting any one of the gifts of the holy spirit does not mean that we must be a pastor in the five-fold ministry. They also point out the need to assess the track record of the prophets we receive prophetic words from.
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“I have preserved his legacy till today, I have saved the best wine for last”.
On today’s prophetic update, Joseph Z brings our attention to the strange happenings around us, ranging from the bizarre incident involving the release of lethal mosquitoes on the human race to the monkeypox virus, and what to expect in the coming years. A news article by Fox News confirms the death of a New Hamshire resident suspected to have died from the infection inflicted by this dangerous mosquito. Recall that Joseph had shared with us in his past broadcast, a clip showing the world’s biggest mosquito farm owned by Bill Gates; and today, we’re plagued with a lethal mosquito-borne virus. However, he informs us that these diseases are a control mechanism employed to control people for a bigger agenda. He further reveals that the Roe vs Wade case will be revisited, but life will rise to overcome the spirit of lawlessness.
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Similarly, Joseph informs us that the Balm of Gilead will flow this time, coming as a do-over to impede the wicked activities meted out to the world. He insists that 2025 will be a year of fire, urging us to pray that rain will fall on the just and unjust alike. Once more, he reveals that a new movement is on its way, and will pioneer a New America while exposing how climate lockdowns will be the next agenda if the scenarios with the mosquitoes and Mpox fail. He further insists there will be a movement of united voices, urging us not to be afraid because the spirit of the Lord is making a way for us all. Once more, he warns that climate lockdown will be employed for control; however, he reveals there will be a movement of united voices, leading to a new kind of race in 2028.
Furthermore, he discloses that everything coming next will be laid upon an economic foundation, and there will be an economic prosthesis depending on who assumes the leadership in the upcoming election. He also shares his vision of an elite party, where he saw the culture pushing back against the plans of the elite, causing the wicked force to try to stop the culture; however, an individual who wields great power on the globe intervened saying, “The threat has been nullified, we took care of it and now, it’s over for this season”. He believes this vision is a prophetic message from the Lord while revealing three global powers behind the veil: “We, the people, the players we see, and the players we do not see.
Additionally, Joseph shares the prophetic message he received from the Lord about the sign of Washington, unbeknownst to him, there was a piece of news about discovered ancient bottles of cherry wines at Washington’s estate which were perfectly preserved for over three hundred years. At this point, he received a message from the Lord saying, “I have preserved his legacy till today, I have saved the best wine for last”. On the heels of this, he insists that the Lord is preserving the best wine for last, for there is one more round and God will make a way for us and our various households. He also alerts us about major events coming in the fall; however, he believes several things will not be what they seem as we proceed. He further reveals we will see oil burning at seas or fields because oil will be under attack while exposing what to expect on the political and economic fronts, depending on who gets into office in the next election.
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Voice of God TV with Joseph Z! “Introducing the PROPHETIC SPECTRUM”
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“We are the body of Christ, enforcing God’s will here on earth, as it is in heaven”.
In today’s prophetic broadcast, Joseph Z reveals what to expect from 2025 to 2028, exposing the enemy's demonic agenda while outlining God's place in this chaos. He teaches that when sin abounds, it manifests the same scenario by which Jezebel ruled the nation. She celebrated immorality, bringing about the destruction of all things godly, attacking and murdering the prophets and everything that stands against her. He further explains that when sin reigns to that level, it attracts a manifestation of God’s spirit, bringing a voice and anointing that manifests the spirit of Elijah, shaking the institutions that run the land.
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Next, we will come to learn that WEF is paying to destroy speaking in tongues and giving in the body of Christ. He cites the Book of Romans 13:1-3 to inform us that the authorities that exist are appointed by God; therefore, whoever resists the authority, resists the ordinance of God and would bring the judgment of God upon themselves. However, he makes us understand that when rulers become a work unto evil like Lucifer, they should be cast down. He then insists that our role is to obey the constitution of our nation and hold our leaders accountable when they are not living up to their responsibilities.
Additionally, he enlightens us about the sovereignty of God, disclosing that God has chosen to limit Himself so that he can work through His people, for we’re reminded by his word that “As He is, so are we in this world”. Again, he explains that things will not return to normal until the Church stands up. He also discloses that when solar flares begin to make news more than before, the evil ones are getting ready to break the grid. He then shares the year’s prophetic timeline, explaining what to expect in the coming quarter and the years to come. He further urges us not to forsake our mercy by regarding worthless idols.
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“The threat has been nullified, we took care of it and now, it’s over for this season”
In today’s prophetic live broadcast, Joseph Z shares a revelation concerning worldwide collision, fall time illusion, and burning oil platforms. He shares his vision of an elite party, where he saw the culture pushing back against the plans of the elite, causing the wicked force to try to stop the culture; however, an individual who wields great power on the globe intervened saying, “The threat has been nullified, we took care of it and now, it’s over for this season”. He believes this vision is a prophetic message from the Lord while revealing three global powers behind the veil: “We, the people, the players we see, and the players we do not see.
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Similarly, Joseph shares the prophetic message he received from the Lord about the sign of Washington, unbeknownst to him, there was a piece of news about discovered ancient bottles of cherry wines at Washington’s estate which were perfectly preserved for over three hundred years. At this point, he received a message from the Lord saying, “I have preserved his legacy till today, I have saved the best wine for last”. On the heels of this, he insists that the Lord is preserving the best wine for last, for there is one more round and God will make a way for us and our various households.
Joseph further reveals that exposure is coming while alerting us about an international dread involving weapons, and tactical nukes. He also alerts us about major events coming in the fall; however, he believes several things will not be what they seem as we proceed. He further reveals we will see oil burning at seas or fields because oil will be under attack while exposing what to expect on the political and economic fronts, depending on who gets into office in the next election. He then warns about a worldwide collision while urging us not to be afraid because the Lord will make a way, and the Lord’s goodness will manifest in the middle of this present, evil age.
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What Is the Church's Role in the Last Days?
How long will you falter between two decisions? “We played the flute for you and you did not dance, we sang for you, but you did not mourn”.
Joseph Z discloses the Church’s role in these last days, in today’s prophetic broadcast. He brings us a prophetic message from the Lord, revealing that there will be an introduction of chaos that will destroy the powers of evil and a redemptive instability that will rise to confront the Antichrist spirit in this land. He also discloses that an awakening will come, urging us to watch the clouds for chaos, difficulty, and challenges, which will be induced but will be used by the Lord to rightsize the nation.
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Similarly, Joseph recalls his vision where God summoned him saying, “Come Up Higher”, marking the beginning of the greater things achieved in his prophetic ministry recently. Interestingly, he makes us realize that when we begin to have a revelation of Jesus’s love for us, just like John the Revelator did, it moves us closer to the Lord.
He then urges us to get ready for war spiritually and physically, for there’ll come another instability on earth while assuring us that we will surely win if we, the church, rise to the occasion.
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