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The Global Elite Wants To Take Control of EVERYTHING

3 months ago

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  • 0/2000
  • If we don't regain control of our land from these elitist, we'll all be Sri Lanka.

  • White people need to stop being afraid of making accusations that others are lying. We are so afraid of that, it's like the worst and unspeakable thing to do is assume someone else might be acting with malicious intent. Make the accusation at the front of it. Say, you're full of shit right at the beginning, then say I know it because.... and don't use this soft language of then asking "I wonder why they might say that" Don't end on a question if you know the answer and are simply afraid to say it. It makes you weak, and lets your enemy know they can get you to waste time with endless talk while they take action doing whatever they want.

  • On point. it's insane to believe that inheritance tax and things like taxing unrealized gains are policies presented to raise others up out of poverty and make marginalized more equitable. stupid. its just about control and domination. They control the money through debt... any surplus means they have less control over you. Slavery on the Tax Plantation.

  • "The Global Elite Wants To Take Control of EVERYTHING" - THEN KiII'em all ....... first .......... !!!! No Brainer ....!!!

  • Of coarse Bill Gates just talked about vaccinating cows so they don’t fart but we know he is injecting them with the Covid vaccine

  • They will own no body, and always be unhappy.

  • Just witnessing what is occurring in this country, it is possibly globalist control! It seems they are taking their policies from the book 1984! How do we get out of this mess?

  • But that means people are winning.....It means the losers are scared....cause control freaks can't control themselves....which is why they want to control everyone else. They're like a juggler thats went insane....trying to juggle more and more at once getting angry and blaming everyone else when it can't work. The more control they seek the more they notice how little control they have.

  • They've been executed. It was dead even before they were. The wef is DEAD

  • Rosa Koire warned of them owning EVERYTHING https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtzHabBNmUY

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  • Time to start clipping their ta

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  • The elite are credentialed, but void of wisdom of any kind, see the writing on the wall. They have ruined everything, so they are trying to distract us so they can then remove our freedoms and make us dependent on them to survive, so they can avoid righteous retribution for the destruction and evil they have wrought.

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  • The global elite took control of everything, on 6/3/63 (per the first public kidnap/murder, via forced mechanical hyperventilation/vital organ$ harvesting, in Brussels Belgium.

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  • When citizens of all countries start making all these so called elites pay a very very dire personal price for all the trouble they are causing this will all end. But the price must be very very dire and personal to every last one of these so called elites that are causing these problems of hurting people and killing so many people.

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  • That conclusion isn't 'becoming inescapable.' That conclusion has been unavoidable for a very long time already to anyone paying attention.

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