WATCH: Speaker expels three Tory MPs from House during Question Period

3 months ago

Tory MPs Michelle Rempel Garner, Michael Barrett and Rick Perkins were ousted from Question Period Tuesday for using the words "fake," "fraudulent" and "Cocaine Randy" without withdrawing.

Rempel Garner cited a 2023 instance where Trudeau was also called a "fraud" and asked Speaker Greg Fergus why he was stuck on the issue today.

She further pointed out that when she used the word "fraud," it was not her own words, but she was reading from Cree lawyer Leah Ballentine's comment published in the National Post.

Fergus then said she was disqualified from parliamentary proceedings for the rest of the day.

Barrett, who referred to Employment Minister Randy Boissonnault as "Cocaine Randy" in light of the damning evidence disclosed Monday that his company shared a mailing address with an international trafficking organization busted for cocaine, clarified, as Boissonnault said, 'there's more than one Randy," he was referring to "Cocaine Randy as the Other Randy."

Barrett was then ordered to withdraw from the House for the remainder of the day.

Fergus conceded Perkins had "partially" withdrawn his comments when asked, but asked during Point of Order to make a more clear withdraw of his statement.

When he didn't, Fergus ordered him to withdraw from the house for the remainder of the day.

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