3 months ago
presents episode 2295 | DR GARY FETTKE

Diabetes: system has exhausted all possible mechanisms
for getting glucose out of bloodstream...
-therefore: when eating glucose, Must take meds to get it
out of bloodstream
-some meds push it into tissue
-some stop body from absorbing it
-some make you urinate it out more
-some bind it in the bowel
All these meds have Complications
and Side Effects

Simple solution? don't eat the carbs; don't needs the meds...
-not a single biochemical pathway in body that requires
us to ingest glucose. NONE
Our diet must have essential proteins & essential fats
plus micronutrients & vitamins
No Requirement for Glucose or Fructose
The 'recommended 130g carbs a day' is
not true
For years I was considered a nut, but on
this topic I knew I was right--seeing the
benefits in self, family, patients

I have been able to help other doctors in this area...
it is amazing how much trouble you get into just trying to
help your patients improve their health
-I was reported to the medical board 3 times by dietitians
-one was: 'inappropriately reversed T2D on TV'
-I thought it was a joke
-was targeted by Coca-Cola; cereal &
pharma industries
"Just an orthopedic surgeon in a the
backwater of Tasmania--with a few
followers on social media"

I was one of the first doctors to start talking about it...
"I am tired of simply amputating limbs"
-the cause is too much sugar & carbs


original video interview:

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