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Ephesians 4:4-6 "Sevenfold Unity Part Four" 9/8/2024

5 months ago

To say we have one faith seems like a no-brainer, right?
But even in Paul’s day, there were multiple faiths in gods and people.
This is not unlike a movement today called “multi-faith” or “inter-faith” that promotes learning about each other's faith.
So that we can keep what we like from each faith and adopt it as our own.
There are two terms you should be aware of: Omnism and Syncretism.
Omnism is similar to syncretism, which is the belief in a fusion of faiths in harmony...as they “coexist.”
Basically, you can pick one from column A, one from column C, and any other column you like and make up your own belief system.
This is important to note because, Paul tells us there is only ONE faith.


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