Brian Tyler Cohen chastens young black men who abandon their children

4 months ago

Brian Tyler Cohen is finally concerned about children who lack a good father figure, kind of, sort of, in a moving goalposts kind of way.

Don’t look now kids, Brian Tyler Cohen, an aging social media celebutard who leaves his bedroom for some photos on occasion – a celebutard who will starve to death in a week when the dollar collapses & the shelves are empty – Byron Taylor Cornhole is desperately concerned w/ men who have children w/ multiple women. Either that or he’s using it as a wedge & knows enough about it to post a meme before he heads back to the kitchen for another latte.

Byron didn’t castigate or chasten men who have children & then abandon them, because if he did he would be pointing at a Democrat Demographic that votes ~81% Democrat & another demographic that is producing 45% of America’s murderers & votes ~96% Democrat.

No, Byron wasn’t angry at the black community, he was seething at Donald Trump for his many failed marriages & relationships.

Look kids, it’s no secret that Donald Trump in his younger years waved around his wallet & numerous women, some of them not very attractive, have tried to dig some gold or some notoriety by hopping into bed w/ The Donald. People do change, believe it or not.

But if the Donald had remained a man from decades ago who wanted nationalized health care (he changed his mind on that) & was a Communist that made billions in the private sector, his sexual indiscretions, his sinful proclivities, his marital mishaps; none of those would be a big deal.

How? Why? If Ted Kennedy, a man who cheated multiple times on his multiple wives & had kids from multiple women – if the alcohol & drug-addled Senator Ted Kennedy – who served for 4 decades in the U.S. Senate after committing negligent manslaughter – if it were Ted Kennedy facing George W. Bush, John McCain or any Republican for the Presidency, you would still vote for Ted Kennedy & you’d find something else to be outraged at.

Bill Clinton is a predator who abused women on multiple occasions, you would still vote for him over Tim Sheehy in a hypothetical matchup if control of the U.S. Senate were at stake.

I doubt the 1990s Bill Clinton would get the Democrat nomination today, that Bill Clinton was a free-trader, that Bill Clinton favored lowering capital gains taxes & w/ Congress’ help he did. That Bill Clinton signed DOMA, that Bill Clinton favored “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” (NOTE: my views on homosexuality are the same as Martin Luther King Jr. ) That Bill Clinton & a GOP Congress ratcheted back spending increases, which in comparison to spending COVID & post-COVID are looking better each day. That Bill Clinton reformed w/ Congress’ help, a small portion of the welfare state.

That Bill Clinton would get 1% in the Iowa Caucus today, right about where Kamala Harris was in the polls prior to waddling off in late 2019. Although, that Bill Clinton might have liked, if the old man can still get it up – he may have liked the thought of changing his gender to “female” (which is impossible #science) & hanging out in the same locker room w/ your 10-year-old daughter, so perhaps he would win the Democrat nomination on that alone, he can’t run again so we’ll never know.

Bryon & his ilk would still vote for Bill Clinton, so their moral high ground argument has been neutered.

My point is, if Brian Tyler Cohen was really concerned about kids who have tepid relationships w/ their fathers, he would go into the black community in dozens of cities run by his party & teach them how to be fathers.

Scratch that, Brian Tyler Cohen is childless, which may be a good thing, but maybe I can send the lawn gnome into Flint to hand out condoms. It’s one Democrat-dominated demographic that’s producing most of the fatherless children in America & if a kid is fatherless, there’s a heightened risk of not finishing high school, getting into drugs, getting into criminal activities & ending up in prison.

I’m not saying if your father was absent, you are doomed, but death row in California is full of fatherless children that never finished high school.

Bob Steenlage, the first 4-time state wrestling champion in Iowa had an alcoholic father, I’ve personally heard his testimony more than once. His father was no father at all, but he took lemons & made lemonade.

Donald Trump’s father was an alcoholic, which is why Trump does not drink, he saw firsthand the evil that men can do under the influence.

However, if every child in America grew up w/ no father, what are the chances they end up like Bob Steenlage?

If every child grew up w/ a father, what are the chances they still end up like Sam Seder? #samseder #majorityreport

So, if Byron Taylor Cohort is concerned about the destruction of the nuclear family in America, I have a few hundred cities he can visit on his little book tour & it’s basically one demographic he needs to talk to.

Now that I’ve defeated Byron on that issue, will he acknowledge that I’ve debunked his cut-and-paste “Red State Murder Problem,” which is a “Blue County Murder Problem” & a “Black on Black Murder Problem”?

Brian Tyler Cohen, for once in your life be a man: Publicly acknowledge that I’ve defeated you & get a real job. Thanks little man! Brian Tyler Cohen should dedicate his book tour to my decimation of his talking points on America's so-called "Red State Murder Problem" & that it is indeed a "Blue County Murder Problem" & a "Black On Black Murder Problem."

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