Debunking #AOC & her “genital check” nonsense

1 year ago

Debunking #AOC & her “genital check” nonsense

Recently, the functionally-retarded mouth breather Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #AOC was wringing her Vienna sausage fingers & flapping her horse teeth over “genital checks” for little girls if so-called “transgender” athletes are barred from competition.

There are a few fatal flaws w/ AOC’s supposed zinger, which she thinks is iron-clad. This girl has the reasoning skills of an 8-year-old. You are either XX or XY, you cannot “transition” to the other side, period.

The next issue is this: If a 12-year-old biological male had his penis cut off, his testicles removed & had a faux vagina put in its place, along w/ estrogen treatments this XY biological male would still be XY, period.

My mother was a nurse for many years & one of the unfortunate aspects of that is you get to take care of some folks who, through no fault of their own had a rough life. A woman she took care of was a hermaphrodite, she had a downstairs mix up, but it was still an XX biological female, period.

No amount of plastic surgery, no amount of testosterone, no amount of whining, crying & pleading would change that. If #AOC wants to challenge me on that, get a vial of blood, a lock of hair & a mouth swab from that mentally ill little troglodyte Dylan Mulvaney – I will send it in to the lab & in a few weeks I’ll tell you everything but his Social Security number.

If you think XX can become XY or vice-versa, you are facilitating a junk science mentality at best & at worst, you’re going to allow male predators to dress w/ little girls.

Would you want Roman Polanski to “transition” to female & hang out in the same dressing room w/ preteen girls? Ok, Sam Seder #samseder #majorityreport would like that, but people who are not mentally ill would not.

I found the #science diatribes during COVID to be amusing. Communists urged us to “listen to the experts” because they’re experts, even though those “Experts” were wrong on just about everything.

However, when it comes to doctors in the birthing rooms, men & women who went to school for umpteen years, they suddenly can’t tell the difference between a female & a male. This is often known long before that child makes its trek out of womb. If #AOC had any children, she may now this & AOC, please don’t take that as an endorsement to have children. Sociopaths should not reproduce.

Unless there’s some serious issues w/ the child, the gender is not a mystery, it’s not hard to figure out & it’s not a precept found buried in the pages of some Gnostic Gospel that only “the elite” can figure out.

I would say even a retard like Cortez knows this, but for some reason she wants to wreck women’s athletics.

Very few women are going to pretend to become a man & play men’s athletics because they would not even get off the bench. Furthermore, any women attempting that would likely be harassed in the locker room & for good reason. Women do not belong in the men’s locker room.

If a man pretending to be a woman is in the same locker room w/ little girls, he may be able to bully them.

AOC just concocts this genital check nonsense because she literally is in favor of allowing mentally ill predators in the same locker room w/ little girls. That is sick & that is evil.

If there’s a problem AOC, we’ll take a lock of this person’s hair, an oral swab & a vial of blood – I will send it in to the lab & we’ll determine which gender they’ll play sports with.

You don’t need to be groping little boys, trying to figure out if they’re boys or not.

Here’s yet another clip demonstrating that science is real #AOC & if you attempt to shepherd a biological male into my daughter’s dressing room you will be arrested by the Sheriff & you may have to deal w/ me. Notice, that is contingent upon you coming to Iowa & *attempting* to get a biological male in the same dressing room w/ little girls.

You can’t change your gender, you cannot change your ethnicity or your race, period. You can make yourself look like a mentally ill goofball, you can be a biological male pretending to be female like Dylan Mulvaney, you can fake bake & try to make your skin seem darker than it is, but if all your relatives are from Norway, you’ll never look like an African, period. A Chinese man can have his penis removed, color his hair blonde, put on fake boobs, wear a wig & a dress – he will never be a Female WASP from Norway.

PS the man who was guilty of this murder could've began taking estrogen in 1994, had his penis removed & replaced w/ a faux vagina -- he could've had fake breasts attached to his fat body & guess what? His genetic profile would not have changed, he STILL would've been a man & a man who committed murder.

PPS Story County, Iowa Supervisor Latifah Faisal is also in favor of women's athletics being ruined by men, pretending to be women. She is a kook, she is mentally ill -- she's ok w/ male predators dressing w/ preteen girls. Vote her out in November

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