Brian Tyler Cohen's “Blue County Murder” problem (Missouri)

7 months ago

Brian Tyler Cohen has a “Blue County Murder” problem in Missouri!

I am fudging my 60% or better mark a bit, as Missouri has transitioned from a swing state to a GOP-dominated state over the past couple decades. Not many counties in MO vote Democrat, but the ones that do have a major murder problem.

MO population 2017-2023 = 43,064,327

From 2017-23 (no data for 2019 & 2020 on the two sites I used, using FBI data to fill those in), MO statewide (MO State Data) had 4,340 murders & a rate of 10.077 per 100,000. YIKES! From 2017-22, the FBI tallies 3,751 murders for MO statewide, a rate of 10.174 per 100,000. According to the FBI (NIBRS), from 2013-22 of the 2,704 murder offenders where we know the race of the offender, 71.04% (1,921) of them were Black. Of the 2,573 murder victims where we know the race of the victim, 67.74% (1,743) of them were Black. The Show Me State is only ~11.8% Black.

Missouri has a stratospheric murder rate & <12% of the population is perpetrating almost three-quarters of all murders. Can you say disproportionate?

Now let’s pivot back to MO State Data (2021-23, prior years unavailable) & use their TOPS site to tally murders in some Democrat-dominated/Democrat-leaning jurisdictions, namely St. Louis County, St. Louis City, Boone County & Jackson County.

Those counties (2021-23) had a population of 6,553,810 & 1,452 murders, a rate of 22.155 per 100,000. MO State Data gives the Show Me State 1,842 murders during that time frame (population = 18,543,717), a rate of 9.933 per 100,000.

The MO murder rate (2021-23), OUTSIDE of St. Louis City, St. Louis County, Boone County & Jackson County (population = 11,989,907 & 390 murders) = 3.252 per 100,000. Outside those Democrat-dominated or Democrat-leaning jurisdictions the murder rate in MO is uber-low. Not as low as Iowa statewide, but well below the national average.

Those 4 jurisdictions are doing the lion’s share of the murder, Missouri’s so-called “Red State Murder Problem” has been exposed (again) as “Blue County Murder Problem,” as well as a “Black on Black Murder Problem.”

MO State Data (2021-23) says 2,397 murder victims statewide where we know the race of the victim & 1,537 (64.12%) of them were Black. MO State Data 2021-23, gives us 1,088 arrestees for Murder/non-negligent manslaughter – 52.17% (802) of those arrestees were Black. Remember, you can “clear” a crime, but not make an arrest.

Brian Tyler Cohen is a moron, Mr. Chairman I Yield Back!

The Democrat Crime Wave video hub

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