BEN BIKMAN k1 | FASTED INSULIN …BEST <6 OK: 7 - 17 ABOVE 17: trouble

6 months ago
presents episode 2114 | DR BEN BIKMAN w/ Dr Ken Berry

Pancreas expert, Ben Bikman, Question:
What does typical doctor think about insulin?
Ken Berry: 70% would say pancreas beta cells in T2D
burn out over time!
-therefore, insulin reduces, so insulin therapy required!

Ben: If actually T2D:
[extremely few T2D do get T1D by their
beta cells damaged by autoimmune disease]
"In T2D beta cells NEVER are gone...
-in some, insulin High for So Long, that
glucose rises [IR], and insulin dips slightly
-but still, insulin multiples higher than
before T2D
Conventionally train GP has only been
taught to focus on glucose--at the expense
of earlier, more critical: insulin level

If GPs trained in insulin-centric POV, then would not push
insulin at all costs to fix glucose!
The more insulin to T2D; the more they Die
Ken: should All GPs get trained in insulin measurement?
-and What level insulin?
Ben: Yes, that should be mandatory
Levels: insulin, like all hormones, has rhythm
ranges are not hard & fast...

Fasted insulin at 6 µIU/mL [41.6 pmol/L] or Less: great sign
-fasted insulin 7 to 17 [118 pmol/L]: possible problem
[perhaps could be high point of the day for them]
-high teens into 20s: could be serious problem
In newest book: How Not to Get Sick
-goes into testing insulin in detail


Original video:

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