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  • 0/2000
  • Is major fault line in Cali about to blow? State suffers most mini earthquakes since 1988 - sparking fears of the 'Big One'. '2024 has had more earthquakes than any year we've seen since 1988,' Caltech geophysicist Dr Lucy Jones told reporters. 'We should expect this to continue'

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  • Oh, how beautiful, the *Shiksa trying to keep it real for the 'people':-) Dazzling duchess! Meghan Markle wears $73,000 worth of jewelry - along with Princess Diana's 50K Cartier watch - on her first day in Colombia with Prince Harry Meghan Markle is known for her love of expensive and flashy jewelry, often donning the most eye-catching pieces and this was no different during the first day of her trip to Colombia yesterday. Average Colombian Salary Statistics • WorldMetrics.org Average salaries in Medellin, 28% of employees in Colombia earn less than $300 USD per month.

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  • Nikki Haley is a back stabber like Mike pence and others please Trump don't put her in your cabinet

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  • All of a *Sudden *ORANGE smoke appeared in NYC & other cities again, first time in history the Fires turned *Orange, give me a F'n Break, it's called *AGENT Orange II from *CHINA, & again, remember the USA smoked out *CHINA for over 10 years with *Agent Orange in the early 60s, when they smoked out Vietnam. China started this shit in 2000, wake up peeps, they use *Sun Tzu all the way, & Sun Tzu says they don't forget what Y'all have done to them, j/s.. Canada wildfire smoke returns Hazy orange skies forecast across the northeast - see how your area is affected Orange Smoke from raging Canadian wildfires has once again descended on major cities across the Northeast. As the smoke drifted across the northeastern seaboard, skies appeared hazy.

  • to be fair there needs to be a comparison study on your bagels and fast food as compared to alcohol and coffee lol

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