Tru Sherm is just not that into QNTKKA

19 days ago

Failed gay rockstar QNTKKA has a falling out with Tru Sherm.

I will refrain from making snarky comments about qntkka, because it is not polite to make light of mental disabilities. I will refrain from pointing out that qntkka's mental retardation makes him think that youtubers like "depressed ginger" are insightful political commentators, that Biden will drop out of the Presidential race, or that Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama was the better anti-war candidate when compared to Ron Paul. There was little difference between the Obama admin and the Bush admin, in terms of foreign policy. I am also not interested in getting into a spat with a subwit who backpedals and backpedals and backpedals in arguments constantly. Clearly, qntkka thought immigration was the bigger issue in 2016, and Trump clearly did not campaign as an "anti-war" president.

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