Everybody loves apples. 🍎

23 days ago

Everybody loves apples. 🍎

They actually haven't been my favorite fruit most of my life, but I really love them now.

Sometimes when you learn about how good something is, it grows in your heart or you learn to appreciate it.

What makes apples so special...

🍏 peel has a really nice form of fiber called pectin
🍏 potassium for your electrolytes - if your body is going through a hard time for any reason, potassium can help your body handle it
🍏 built-in water for hydration
🍏 and... natural fruit sugar to keep you going!

It's like a God-given electrolyte in a small portable package. You don't need anything special. You can tuck it in your purse or backpack, and take it on the road with you.

So many benefits to apples. 🍎

It's no wonder they say "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."

Apples, they're just so wonderful. 🥰

In Eat God's Way, we're all about getting back to basics... like apples!

Simple methods. Simple tools. Simple whole foods. Simple goodness.

Would you like to learn more about Eat God's Way?

I've got a great selection of simple recipes for you, including our favorite quick soaked muffins, in our FREE Eat God's Way 2-book set, specifically the companion cookbook.

To get the FREE Eat God's Way books, go here:

FYI Eat God's Way recipes and methods use high-quality, simple whole foods along with cooking methods from Bible Times that save you money and time, while providing nutritious, digestible, and delicious meals and snacks for your family.

BTW it's NOT rule-based. We eat this way to give God glory and honor His design for our nourishment.

God bless you! 🥰

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