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Ninos Corner~P.Diddy Top CREEPY CRINGY Moments~Would You Let Your Kids Hang With P.Diddy?

9 months ago

David Nino Rodriguez


  • 0/2000
  • SusieQ what a great idea for our season finale for ( Lion Island : rapper's edition ) what's America's favorite prime-time show , it's going to be biblical ? We already picked our top rap artists but this time we let the audience spin the wheel of types of outfits \ gravy combo's and let's see our first contestant Mrs Smith , ok spin the wheel and our first rapper got the ( hotdog - harry outfit ) we glue 300 Ball-Park foot-long's hotdog all over his body and then we spray him with a chicken \ beef broth and give him a dip . He's going to lion island but this time he will be lowered onto a stage in the feeding area , then we turn on the industrial foam machine and the foam is going to hide everything around the stage . We have 50 lions around the stage in cages , if he thinks he will survive that's when we turn on a neon sign made for this episode and it say's ( you never were talented ) then and we read our poem ( rap your mind to the time , for surely it your time to pay for your crime but if you here the chime you better find a mime to know it's time ) you picked a losing horse and now it's to pay the piper ? LOL

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  • Lock daddy up for life!

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