Dr. Robert Apter – What’s the Agenda? Ivermectin vs FDA Court Case – A Worldwide Coordinated Agenda

10 months ago

***MUST SEE & Share This Information --> This is a summary from Dr. Robert Apter’s testimony from the Novel Coronavirus Northwestern Intergovernmental Committee on March 15, 2024 in Arizona.

Dr. Apter won an appeal in 5th District court in New Orleans vs the FDA when the FDA claimed they had Sovereign Immunity and they won at first then he appealed it and they won.

The court said that the “FDA cannot act as a Physician, it does have authority to inform, announce, and apprise but not to endorse, denounce or advise.”

“Even Tweet Sized Dosed of Personalized Medical Advice are beyond FDA’s Statutory Authority.”

The FDA could have appealed this to the Supreme Court but it has now been remanded to Southern Texas and being argued on standing.

How did Dr. Robert Apter become a Plaintiff against the FDA?

In June of 2020 he was treating a 64 year old female patient with all the symptoms of Covid, shortness of breath, severe fatigue, cough, loss of smell and said she felt like an alien took over her body.

On Day 2 she was placed on Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc. She says she feels like she will die and refuses to go to the Hospital or the ER.

Day 3: No Improvement. Oxygen at 82% (life threatening and just 48 hours after onset of illness), started CPAP

She was prescribed Ivermectin at 12 mg – only took 6 mg.

***Get Your Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine here without a Prescription → Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11973

Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11854

The Turnaround began in only a few hours. She had a Miraculous Recovery after taking the Ivermectin.

Dr. Apter says he couldn’t find any information on what dose of Ivermectin to give, so he prescribed a SINGLE dose of how they treat for Parasites at 12 mg.

He says now if he were treating this he would prescribe 30 mg a Day for Two Days and 15 Mg a Day until she got better.

He says that some other Doctors were prescribing 45 MG a Day for 5 Days.

The 64 year old female patient reported that she only took 6 mg of Ivermectin at first and then began to feel better and then took the other half of 6 mg more.

Just this SINGLE Dose of Ivermectin resulted in a Miraculous Complete Recovery.

Dr. Apter said “At this time I thought this was a miracle as I have never seen anything where you could give someone that was dying a few pills and they recover completely.”

He then retired from Emergency Medicine and in April of 2021 began doing Telemedicine with https://www.myfreedoctor.com

He consulted with 15,000 patients to date. In the first month he had 2 patients that didn’t respond and ended up going to the hospital which was a sure way of dying as their protocol for treating sick patients was Remdesivir and Ventilation and both of these patients did die at the hospital. They were both high risk as they came late and one was 84, the other was 62.

Dr. Apter said that in the first month he wasn’t using an Antibiotic as he said why use an Antibiotic to treat a virus? Then he discovered a synergy between Ivermectin and Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin.

Since making these changes he hasn’t had ONE SINGLE DEATH and only 2 Deaths out of treating 15,000 patients.

He said he received frequent feedback from his patients: “You Saved My Life” or “You Saved my Family Members Life” or “I Can’t Believe How Fast I Got Better.”

Dr. Apter was licensed in Arizona and Washington but was able to treat Covid patients in all 50 states under the “PREP ACT.”

He had a 54 year old patient from Iowa being treated for Rheumatoid Arthritis with Immunosuppressive Drugs and she came with the presentation of Fever and Chills.

Dr. Apter prescribed Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Doxycycline, and Fluvoxamine.

The patient had a Complete Recovery and wrote an Affidavit for his Case vs FDA.

The Patient filed a Formal Complaint with the Iowa Board of Pharmacy because Walgreens had refused to fill her prescription of Ivermectin.

The Iowa Board of Pharmacy instead turned her case over to the Iowa Board of Medicine to investigate Dr. Apter for prescribing her the very inexpensive and proven safe and effective drug Ivermectin.

The Iowa Board of Medicine copied their investigation to the Washington Medical Commission and the Arizona Medical Board, so this one case resulted in 3 separate investigations of his license.

ALL for prescribing one of the SAFEST DRUGS EVER in the History of Medicine.

And only 2 Deaths out of 15,000 patients and both those deaths resulted because the patients chose to go to the hospital and were treated “Covid Protocol.”

The FDA Campaign featured a Horse was cited in their Investigation materials.

First of all, why would the Iowa Board of Pharmacy turn this over to the Iowa Board of Medicine to investigate the Prescribing Doctor??

This was a very cheap drug, a very SAFE drug and a very EFFECTIVE drug?

It is almost like they have an AGENDA that is not related to health going on?


Just one complaint that had NOTHING to do with Dr. Robert Apter but to do with a Pharmacy not filling a prescription of a very safe drug that had been on the market for multiple decades and was one of the absolute safest drugs in the history of pharmacy.

Why wouldn’t Walgreens Pharmacy just fill the prescription?

Out of all 15,000 patients treated for Covid, Dr. Apter had NO Complaints, not ONE SINGLE Complaint, which is truly remarkable.

He had ZERO Adverse Side Effects from his prescribing treatments of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Doxycycline.

What he did have was 2 Years of Multiple Medical Board Investigations for not following the DEADLY Covid Protocol by sending patients to the Hospital to be put to death by their Covid “treatments” that were resulting in deaths.

Over 90% of Covid Deaths occurred in the Hospital. As Dr. Peter McCullough said “this is not normal for a true pandemic” and anyone with some f*cking common sense in their head can tell this. If it was a true pandemic you would see thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people dying at home. That wasn’t happening. They were dying after being treated with the “Covid Protocols” and hospitals were rewarded tremendously for following these protocols.

The goal was to VACCINATE – which was later discovered that the vaccines did not stop transmission or prevent infections and were found to cause myocarditis, pericarditis, neurological disorders and blood clots – so after the vaccinated began getting Covid they were sent to the Hospitals for the “Protocol” and that’s where the deaths were occurring that you saw running across the bottom of the FEAR Box (TV).

SO: The Washington Medical Commission sent Dr. Apter a letter – here is what it said.

• NO Prescribing Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine for non-FDA Approved indications.
• NO Vaccination Exemptions, any Vaccine for ANY reason.
• $5,000 -- $10,000 Fine.
• Expensive Time Wasting “CME”
• Annual Personal Appearance
• Extra Reporting Requirements
• Pay Commission’s Costs

All for SAVING lives and not ONE Single Complaint and for prescribing the SAFEST DRUGS EVER.

They wanted him to follow the Covid Protocol of prescribing a Completely Novel New Classification of vaccine – Synthetic mRNA Vaccines and not accept ANY Exemptions from patients.

Yes, the Covid mRNA Vaccines (they had to change definition just to call them this) are a new class and a new class of ANY drug usually takes an ABSOLUTE minimum of 12 Years SAFETY testing.

They knew that most people had NO freaking clue about this, including the doctors as doctors are brainwashed to believe their f*cking “science” which all of them have been sued for falsifying studies and they all the manufacturers are Convicted Felons.

Isn’t it time that Doctors kind of wake up and do a little of their own research and not be so trusting of the science? Just sayin.

Needless to say, Dr. Apter did not cave in to this Fraudulent Demand which goes against the Hippocratic Oath that Doctors take and it is against the practice of medicine.

A lot of doctors would just be an “Authority Follower” and go with this, even though they were saving lives and the other route was killing.

Dr. Robert Apter had the BALLS to stand up and say “F*ck You Medical Tyrant Murderers.”

Dr. Robert Apter wasn’t going to put up with their bullsh*t.

Every demand made was trying to get him to voluntarily consent to the going Against the Hippocratic Oath of Medicine.

It is no different than the trick they played on the masses getting them to VOLUNTARILY roll their sleeves up to allow an injection of an untested EXPERIMENTAL Vaccine.

The difference is that the people said OK because they likely assumed it it was bad their doctors would stand up for them.

That’s not how it works people. Doctors are trained to follow scientific orders, whether that science is falsified or not. They are trained to take orders from convicted felons – the FDA and Big Pharma are ONE.

They are turning doctors into robots by telling them they can no longer treat patients the way they think they need to be treated.

Isn’t that defeating the entire purpose of a DOCTOR?

Patients need to know this stuff here as doctors are not even being allowed to do what they think is the right thing to do.

Then they wanted to FINE Dr. Apter.

Fine him for saving lives, not having ONE SINGLE Adverse Event reported and not have ONE SINGLE Complaint out of 15,000 patients treated.

The Medical Boards are saying “We don’t care if you are saving lives, that is not important to us, what is important to us is that you follow the medical protocols.”

That’s exactly what they are saying. Once again, people need to know this.

Then the Arizona Medical Board wanted Dr. Apter to do CME – as well as the Washington Board, CME is Continuing Medical Education and they wanted him to focus on Medical Ethics.

This “Medical Ethics” course would cost $2,500.

Do you see how they are making a right a wrong here?

It is no longer “Ethical” to save lives, to have NO Adverse Effects, to have NO Patient Complaints.

What IS “Ethical” is to follow the damn Protocol.

Come on Dr. Apter, can’t you just be a Sheep like the rest and get in line?

Here is something that they do NOT want you to know about and it has been censored and wiped from Internet:

Uttar Pradesh – one of the most populated states in India, it is 2/3rds the entire population of the USA.

When the experimental mRNA injections came out in 2021 there was very little uptake in Uttar Pradesh. They had always used Ivermectin and this is what the people of Uttar Pradesh were using.

Uttar Pradesh had 140,000 Community Outreach Workers distribute what they called “Covid Isolation Kits” that was packaged by Wellness Forever Medicare Pvt Ltd which contained:
• Pulse Oximeter
• Thermometer
• Tylenol
• Vitamins – including Zinc, Vitamin D
• Ivermectin – 12 mg tablets
• Doxycycline
• Masks
• Gloves
• Hand Sanitizer
• Alcohol Wipes

ALL of this for $2.90. Yes!

***Get Your Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine here without a Prescription → Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11973

Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11854


Why was this completely Wiped OFF of the Internet?

Because just 6 months later more than half the districts of Uttar Pradesh were declared Covid Virus FREE. That’s why.

They don’t want people knowing that all of this can be prevented for this kit that costs $2.90.

They were busy giving hospitals incentives like 20% EXTRA on the ENTIRE Hospital Bill if they would prescribe the DEADLY Kidney & Living destroying Remdesivir.

Guess what the Average Cost was Per Covid Patient in the Hospital? $13,072.

That’s not including the cost of the Vaccines.

Are you now seeing this was a Plandemic – a Scamdemic and not a Pandemic?

They relied on the PCR Test for Diagnosing – completely was manipulated by the number of magnification cycles.

They infected people with the Contaminated Nasal Swabs that they stuck up your Nose.

They persuaded people by propaganda and fear to get in line for the vaccines.

Then when the vaccines didn’t work they made you follow a deadly hospital protocol so death numbers could be inflated which made everything appear ‘real.’

Uttar Pradesh had LESS than 1 Death Per Day vs over 2,000 a Day in the USA.

Uttar Pradesh had 20 cases of Covid per day in 240 Million People VS 150,000 a day in the USA.

This was October 2021 Statistics.

Uttar Pradesh is a very DENSE and people are in very close contact also. They said f*ck the WHO and had their own Protocol which cost a whopping $2.90.

Do you see how FAKE this all is?

This is truly how easy it is to treat all viruses and you see all of this bullsh*t Childhood Vaccines from the CDC here in the USA that does absolutely NOTHING but set a child up for a lifetime of disease and illnesses so they can be treated with more jabs and toxic medicines which will only cause more disease and illnesses.

The kids today will never live to old age. You can’t inject all those poisons and pathogens in their body and expect a long healthy life.

It isn’t healthcare at all and people need to wake up as this is a FACT.

Uttar Pradesh has a poplulation density higher than the USA and common sense would indicate that they would probably have much more covid virus infection right?

Nope. Not the case. They virtually had NONE because they were using the True Covid Protocol that has been completely WIPED and Cleared off the Internet.

Anyone who attempted to share this was CENSORED. That would disrupt their dirty little secret and would put an end to their vaccination campaigns if people really knew the truth.

Vaccines DESTROY the Immune System and if all the f*cking retards would do their own DD it’s clear as day.

You choose to vaccinate your children you are seriously damaging their immune systems and shortening their life – significantly.

Excess Mortality Skyrocketed after the Covid Vaccinations began.

Not in Uttar Pradesh India though.

The Covid Gene Therapy did nothing but cause more Covid Deaths.

Cancer Mortality was up 25% after the Covid Vaccinations began. This is SHORT Term Data. What will the long term data be??

A disability analysis in the USA from Ed Dowd shows how disabilities skyrocketed after the Covid Shots.

The same results in the UK where the Vaccines were pushed just as hard.

Another point: Do you realize that the entire world suddenly came up with a whole new classification of drugs, called mRNA at once and ALL the vaccines were mRNA?

What is the probability of this happening naturally? How about .0000000001%

Now they are finding out that these vaccines were being made as early as 2017 – 100% Fact on this – does this not show that this was a “Plandemic?”

Don’t you need a Virus BEFORE you make a Vaccine?

The same goes for the Covid Tests, they were being manufactured and even labeled Covid Tests as early as 2017.

Once again, don’t you need to know what you are testing before you make a device to test??

Just sayin.

You have Covid Patents going back to 2006, the Covid tests ordered in 2019 and some as far back as 2017 – labeled Cov-19 tests, Event 201 was the EXACT simulation of Covid with a “coronavirus”

Surely this makes other wonder also?

The narrative must always be questioned!

The CDC has a standard in which any time there is more than TWICE the level of Adverse Events Reported in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effects Reports) compared to the Flu Vaccine that it needs to be Investigated Further.

That being said, we don’t even know a flu vaccine is safe as it has NEVER been compared against a True Placebo, so we may be comparing one deadly toxin to another, but regardless it is a comparison that will give information needed to know.

Data after mRNA Jabs: Source: https://www.jpands.org/vol28no1/thorp.pdf

Menstrual Abnormalities was 300 Times more than for Flu Vaccines.

Miscarriages 10 times more compared to flu jabs.

Fetal Malformations, Fetal Cardiac Disorders, Fetal Growth Restriction, Low Amniotic Fluid, Preterm Premature Rupture of Membraine and Fetal Still Births ALL up by 10 times or more compared to the Flu.

How can they say these were SAFE and EFFECTIVE???

This was a Worldwide Coordinated AGENDA!

1. Creation of Deadly Pathogens in the Lab – Gain of Function
2. Suppression of Inexpensive Treatments
3. Totalitarian Measures – Lockdowns, Medical Protocols of Tyranny
4. Mass Coercion of Untested, Dangerous but Extremely Profitable Interventions
5. Censorship & Propaganda – something that should never be allowed again in the USA

That there makes a perfect Plandemic.

So, What is the Real Agenda here from the 3 letter Agencies, the WEF, the WHO, CDC, FDA and NIH?

1. Re-establish Trust – yes they say they want to regain our “Trust”. Their idea of doing this is persuading us by spending $ Hundreds of Millions of Dollars with PR Campaigns and not doing anything to act Trustworthy. It’s just an ACT to deceive the masses into believing their lies and bullsh*t.
2. Profit – just Pfizer themselves made over $100 Billion from all this fraud – meanwhile in Uttar Pradesh they didn’t have to go to hospitals and just sent out a True Covid Kit with a cost of $2.90.
3. Depopulation? Well, if you go back to the Kissinger plans and the Rockefeller plans – hmmm??
4. Totalitarian Control?
5. The Main Question we should ALL be asking is “Who Benefits from this Agenda?”

One thing is for sure, this agenda needs to be addressed and stopped and their needs to be some Accountability.

Double Blind Placebo Randomized Clinical Trials on Vaccines are a Rarity because true double blind trials will show the real truth.

The problem is that there are very, very few true ones.

Pfizer tried to have the Courts HIDE / conceal their clinical trial data for 75 YEARS. The courts said NO and we quickly found out why they wanted that data hidden away because it proved they were LYING and all that Safe & Effective crap we heard were Propaganda Lies. Flat out LIES.

Pfizer did do a semi-double blind placebo trial – which proved that there were MORE Pfizer mRNA Vaccine Deaths than with Placebo. That was even with Pfizer lying and cheating on the Severe Adverse Events Data – flat out falsifying data – see the Maddie de Garay story below.

Then what did Pfizer do even though they KNEW 100% that their Vaccines were Deadly?

They unblinded the study and they VACCINATED all the Placebos. There is no way in HELL they want to public to be able to follow the Unvaccinated group long term and compare them with the Vaccinated.

That is not a true double blind placebo study, that is called covering your ass as fast as you can so the public doesn’t discover the truth.

This narrative needs to be Questioned!

It they lied about the Covid mRNA Vaccines, what other vaccines and drugs are they lying about right now?

Question Everything from now on!

We have been lied to!

Why can’t we do the same thing they did Uttar Pradesh?

***Get Your Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine here without a Prescription → Ivermectin 12mg – Ivetab 12mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11973

Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg – HCQS 400mg --- https://www.reliablerxpharmacy.com/affiliate/product/share?mw_aref=e3fb25608a75bd02e96700dcdf992c47&product_id=11854

Other Great Videos on the Plandemic:

***COVID-19 mRNA Clinical Trials – The Truth Behind the Trials


*** Epidemic of Fraud – This is What Really Happened


***The Truth About COVID Hospital Protocols – Death Protocols – Stella Paul

***Dr. Paul Marik – Fauci Knew Remdesivir was Deadly – Submitted False Study – Modified Endpoint to FDA


***Whistleblower Nurse Liz Rena – Hospitals Empty Until they were Rewarded for following Covid Protocol


***A California Nurse Tells the Truth – We Were Being Lied To – The Jabs Caused the Pandemic


***Maddie de Garay Update – Pfizer Clinical Trial Covid Vaccine Victim – Full Measure


***Kayla Pollock – Paralyzed from Covid Shot – Hospital Offered “Assisted Suicide” – TWICE!

Source: Clipped from 47:18 – 109:52 -- childrenshealthdefense -- Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee | Mar. 15, 2024 -- https://rumble.com/v4jfkku-novel-coronavirus-southwestern-intergovernmental-committee-mar.-15.html

Other Videos Clipped from the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee on March 15, 2024:

1. You Didn’t Ask For Evidence -- https://rumble.com/v4rscme-you-didnt-ask-for-evidence.html

2. Dr. Peter McCullough – 550,000 Americans Died From the Covid-19 mRNA Vaccine -- https://rumble.com/v4rsnpc-dr.-peter-mccullough-550000-americans-died-from-the-covid-19-mrna-vaccine.html

3. ***Dr. Robert Apter – What’s the Agenda? Ivermectin vs FDA Court Case – A Worldwide Coordinated Agenda


4. ***How The Jab Mandates went Viral & The War Against Ivermectin (The Horse De-Wormer) – The Fraudemic


End. 5/5/2024 -- 9:00 AM

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