Maddie de Garay Update – Pfizer Clinical Trial Covid Vaccine Victim – Full Measure

11 months ago

This is an interview with Sharyl Attkisson with Full Measure on January 21, 2024. She invited all parties involved to this interview but the hospital, Pfizer, the CDC, the FDA did not respond other than a statement from the FDA that said: “The FDA takes vaccine safety very seriously, and continues to monitor reports of all adverse events.”

We know this is 100% BULLSH*T!

*EVERY Parent who is considering volunteering their children to a Pfizer Vaccine Clinical Trial needs to watch this!

Florida’s Surgeon General recently called for a halt in Covid vaccines due to safety questions, while the Federal Government continues to heavily promote Covid Vaccines for adults and kids alike.

This is an update on a young girl - Maddie de Garay, who voluntarily participated in the Pfizer Covid Vaccine Clinical Trial.

*Note: There are some more horrific stories mentioned in this video who were victims of these inhumane covid vaccine clinical trials.

It’s the story of Maddie de Garay. One of the children who took part in Pfizer’s vaccine study on children. It’s a remarkable account of what happened when Maddie got very, very sick, leading to accusations that Pfizer, the FDA, and the study leaders tried to bury her case.

Maddie de Garay – 12 Year Old Pfizer Clinical Trial Volunteer who was Permanently Disabled and will spend the rest of her Life in a Wheelchair.

Maddie received her first dose on 12/30/21 and had the expected side effects which were no cause for concern.

She received her second dose on 1/20/21 and less than 12 hours later she experienced severe abdominal pain, painful electric shocks on her spine and neck, swollen extremities, ice-cold hands and feet, chest pain, tachycardia, pins and needles in her feet that eventually led to the loss of feeling from her waist down.

She had blood in her urine from 7 tests over 3 months, mysterious rashes, peeling feet, reflux, gastroparesis, vomiting, and eventually the inability to swallow liquids or food, dizziness, passing out, convulsions, the inability to sweat, swollen lymph nodes in her armpits, urinary retention, heavy periods with clots of blood, decreased vision, tinnitus, memory loss, mixing up words, extreme fatigue, and sadly more.

She spent 64 days in the hospital, had 3 hospital stays, and 9 trips to the ER. We are 9 months into this, we have no real answers. She is trapped in a body that doesn’t work remotely close to the way it did before.

Her days now look like this...she is in a wheelchair with an ng tube and has to do 5 feeds, 4 water boluses and take multiple medications each day. She goes to school for 2 hours a day, which is all she can handle. She has 2 or more doctor’s appointments every week and needs help with simple things like showers, opening car doors, and lifting things. Somehow, she still has her infectious sense of humor, hangs out with friends, and has more resilience than I ever had at her age.

Maddie’s Family emailed and called many times to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Dr. Robert Frenck, the principal investigator for the Pfizer Trial for 12-15-year-olds, and asked what was reported to VAERS for Maddie’s reaction to the vaccine. After being dismissed and not responded to for weeks, he then told us they do not report adverse reactions to VAERS during the trial, they report them to Pfizer who then reports to the FDA.

When we asked him to tell us what was reported, the best answer he gave us was everything was reported. We asked for clarification on what symptoms/reactions had been reported so we didn’t duplicate on our submission to VARES, but he refused to give any details other than they had been reported to their sponsor (Pfizer).

The only adverse reactions disclosed in the EUA were functional Abdominal Pain and paresthesia. Basically a STOMACH ACHE.

Yes, this is how Pfizer treated Maddie and her family.

Would you want your child to be in a Pfizer Clinical Trial?

How do we know all of her adverse reactions were reported?

Why weren’t ALL of the other adverse reactions she had disclosed in the EUA?

How can we find out specifically what was reported to Pfizer and then to the FDA?

“No one from the FDA, CDC, NIH, or Pfizer ever contacted us to discuss what happened to Maddie, NO ONE!”

SOURCE: Full Measure with Sheryl Attkisson --

END. 1/31/2024.

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