Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You – Episode 18
WEF report reveals plans to enforce vaccination, economists give grave warnings, Japanese Professor makes shock statements on COVID shots, and more!
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Any political leader who fails to prevent war is the enemy of mankind.
Jesus Christ, you really gonna blame Syria and leader of Palestine for this mess? HA
Rumblers, Nancy Pelosi said that an insurrection took place. She's right! Pelosi led the insurrection to create a globalist state. It was done by our federal government using unconventional weapons like open borders, jabs, censorship, election fraud, weaponization of the FBI, and corrupt courts to name a few examples. These attacks also took place in other countries against their respective citizens. It constitutes WW III. 3 million US civilians have been killed. 20 million civilians worldwide. Why are we blind to WW III? It has to do with the fact that we're NOT oriented to unconventional weapons being used against us. We've been brainwashed to believe that wars only use conventional weapons like tanks, bombs, and missiles. Remember, the whole goal behind wars is to take control of the enemy, or country. Well, that's what was done. Missiles, bombs, and tanks weren't necessary. We were taken over from within by our respective governments. Our governments are domestic enemies. Some food for thought!
I would only correct one thing. We were taken over from within by our treasonous government EMPLOYEES. Our government EMPLOYEES are domestic enemies. Our democratic constitutional republic system of government is great! It’s the traitorous EMPLOYEES that are to blame! If you state it’s the government without “the treasonous employees”, part you are considered an enemy of the state and someone who is against government. Have a great day!
Any political leader who fails to protect the physical natural integrity of individuals in their constituency, is the enemy of mankind. No chips needed with smart dust - look at psinergy on odysee, et al. Maria is bang on with all this. No censorship is ever acceptable. Controlled speech is nonsense. Slavery is death. Fight or die.
Brilliant video! Thanks Maria! All the best!
Here is a good one: Find out who is behind gays in the military and gay marriage. You can hear them say how proud they are of themselves.
And, she's wearing the evil eye around her neck! 😡
They won't dear leave the comments open.
Maria you are the best, thank you so much for your hard work.
What's this? A freud i suspect?
Trump like all the elected politicians are all actors and traitors their loyalty to the Crown in England the Head of Satanic Freemasonry, Head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity secretly to steal all the wealth on Earth & they are all satanic Freemasons secretly !! 1) All elected presidents around the earth including "Trump" deployed 5G and 5G is high frequency microwave which is military weapon directed against the people from "satellites" & cell phone towers ; 5G microwave behind the flue like symptoms , cough, difficulty to breath , palpitation & arrhythmia in heart & low immunity which is microwave radiation poisoning symptoms ! 5G microwave radiation is causing radiation poisoning symptoms " giving flue like symptoms"! 2) All elected presidents around the earth including "Trump" rolled out the called vaccines which infact they are "death bioweapons injections"... that cause heart attack, clot, stroke, low immunity , cancer ..etc Read this book to understand where we are heading ! The Crown in England head of Piracy infiltrated every government on earth including USA The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 (Fourth Edition) - by Dr John Coleman PDF Watch this human lady reading part of this book & watch her human reaction to the shocking truth the Crown in England leading the genocide !! - The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligarethical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going. All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 ................
We have no governments and we are on our own around the Earth ! This is really Joe Biden hired by the head of the committee of 300 ( Crown in England ) to laugh at the people in USA and around the world and he is an actor like the rest in all the governments and all the news are theater to mislead the people while the Crown in England collecting the earth with infiltration ! The Youtube account C3PMeme looks very questionable claim they can use artificial intelligent to make videos but for me I see Joe Biden videos so real that make me certain that he is professional actor for the Crown in England to laugh at the people and they are misleading the people that these video are fake !! The Crown in England head of Piracy infiltrated every government on earth with Satanic Freemasonry including USA to depopulate the world & so the Crown in England Head of Freemasonry , Head of the Committee of 300 , Head of Satanism , Head of Skull and Bones , Head of Piracy , Head of Imperialism stealing all the Earth using silent weapon of free energy technology , using wars , using fake news , using deception & secrecy ! The Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Committee of 300 (Fourth Edition) - by Dr John Coleman PDF Watch this human lady reading part of this book the story of the Committee of 300 and the Crown in England head of the Committee of 300 leading the genocide against humanity to steal all the wealth and to steal all the earth !!
I'm glad to see you stating these truths. I don't think most people understand where all this is coming from. As usual, they always distract the masses with more lies so that they look in the wrong direction. I pray for the truth to be revealed to all mankind. I fully believe they will ignite WWIII. They do not care if they rule from the ashes but rule they will. I don't know your thoughts but I have no doubt that this is the end times spoken of in the bible. These "people " are anti human. I believe they will only partially succeed but only for 42 months. They cannot achieve this insanity without collapsing the whole system. Terrorise everyone so that they join their satanic system, but we are told from the bible, NOT to join them. To do so would be taking the Mark of the Beast. They will be destroyed but not by man, but at the hands of Almighty God. Please hang on during the 42 months. It will be very hard but please try to have faith. If we do not join these lunatics, God will know. His kingdom will come as he has promised us. There will be a new world, a cleansed world, which he has told us about. There will be a lot of people in our position at this time, probably roaming about trying to connect with each other. Please hold onto faith because there is nothing else that will get us through these times. I will die before I join them. We are promised the resurrection. I have no idea if you even believe in God but I have studied the bible and I assure you that we are living in the conclusion. Jesus will be in charge during mankind's darkness hour. And he will bring an end to it. I wish you all the best.
Trump is traitor to humanity like all the rest elected politicians around the earth as his loyalty to his Head of Freemasonry & the Head of the Committee of 300 the Crown parasites in England as Trump is Freemason means he is with zero morality because Freemasonry is freedom of morality and they use deception to make the sheepish believe that Trump is good person while he is one of the criminals & child molesters like him attended Epstein island since the start to assault the children .. Google Trump Pictures with Epstein the Child molesters !! Trump like every traitor rolled out the 5G against the people in USA !!!! Trump like every traitor like him rolled out the death bioweapons injections to kill the people in USA !! This is Trump is friend and part of the child molesters circle with Epstein since the start !!! And all the media are lies to mislead the people especially the sheepish that Trump is prosecuted !! LIES and all that in the media are theatre to mislead the sheepish !! Trump proud to annouce that he is rolling out 5G against the people of USA which prove that Trump is really pure blood of evil !! And anyone support him and support traitors like him are traitors also to humanity !!!! Trump the traitor pushing the lethal injections he calls them vaccines & great achievement to kill humanity !!
Great program and may I add I really like that top you are wearing the colours suits you.
Be careful in assuming that an Ashley Babbitt, in San Diego, ever really existed, and that what is shown on television is authentic...Who really knows?
All of these "doctors" and other dingbats that are all of a sudden, coming out with the bio weapon injection warnings, are over 4 years too late. Same goes for any one in the "truth" community, who still won't tell their listeners that "viruses" do not exist, and that "vaccines" are all purposely made biological weapons.
you do a very good job, I enjoy your show
this however some of the adverts are strange saying she you go to bed thinking about debt HA JESUS CHRIST people stay safe and BE CAREFUL with the fricking clown world agenda TRY TO STAY OUT OF DEBT OBVIOUSLY AND DO NOT fall for the ridiculous agenda insanity HA
And the URL spamming in adverts gets crazy sometimes HA WHAT is with that gets rather insanity at times be careful people
Simply outstanding reporting!
Small world. Originally from Asheboro. 👋
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Awesome re. Jones. He should sue the dogshit agencies for TRILLIONS!
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Absolutely love Martin!!!!
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How do I make a favourite channels list on Rumble? Want to go straight to your vids but have to find you at the end of my alphabetical list Rumble makes for me. Love your show.
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Great show again. Those doctors who won't speak out, can't speak out; because they've joined ranks with the despots trying to create a digital cage of consciousness. They've already accepted the money per shots etc. Once you join that gang, they don't let go easy. Those doctors will need to make the ultimate sacrifice to get out, or speak out; but the chances of that are negligible. How highly important they deemed themselves to be. Such pettiness to pay for sports cars, club memberships and mansions. Thanks Media Blackout and Vigilant Fox, you are highly respected.
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So much of the METAVERSE HYPE is ILLUSIONISM talk. Their actual goal is materializing a NEO-FEUDALISM New World Order where -- after the culling -- the Globalists intend to rule over a remaindering population in a slave class that knows no escape whatsoever. The Technocrats do not have this Metaverse ability that sounds so astoundingly futuristic. These world corporations and government agencies don't even have the technology to prevent cyber-attacks or clean up the plastics pollution threatening the oceans! And they can remake the human race into something "new"??? All this futuristic POWER talk is hype to dazzle and eat up peoples' time in trying to figure it out or imagine it...Just forget it. It is ILLUSIONISM to put people OFF BALANCE and OFF POINT for stopping the Globalist/Cabal's plot to squash all human rights and reestablish blatant SLAVERY worldwide! Wake up. Think about it. If they can do what they claim -- WHY AREN'T THEY CLEANING UP THE PLASTICS POLLUTION IN THE OCEANS??? Keep this in mind at all times to keep yourself rooted in Reality! The futurism Transhumanism/Metaverse talk is just like ads for Christmas toy marketing combined with pure science fiction. Pure fakery and lies. Afterall, that is their modus operandi and always has been! Fakery. Fraud. Non-stop lying. Do you really think they are EVER going to tell us The Truth? They are incapable. Sociopaths and Psychopaths can't do the normal. Don't be a push-over and buy into their lies.
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As always the most important stories about our world all rolled into one professional broadcast that puts corporate media to shame. sorry to compare you to the propaganda networks! You are one of our few main sources of actual world news that we can trust and depend upon, many thanks and much admiration to Zeee medial!
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Love u sooo much u r so great. But Z wats up with all the advertisements? 1/3 of the show was advertising 😩
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In Costa Rica there is the Interest In Justice League who have been litigating Costa Rica Covid Crimes and making headway.They are a signer of the SYRACUSA Treaty an international document that protects human rights during times of a stated emergency. They are setting up to host a Nuremberg Trial . Please interview them:
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I've heard Dr. Phil saying several things lately that make me think he may not be so bad after all...
NOT BENEFIT for doctors to speak out on the clown world agenda however sadly. THERE MAY COME A TIME when that is not the case so stay safe everyone.
Maria did you not read Ashley’s diary?? She was old enough that she was taking showers by herself and she would wait later and later into the night hoping Joe would be asleep or that her mom would stop him. She was over sexualized as a young child, if it wasn’t Joe then who did they let her around?!? Good gravy house speaker Hastert was a pedo This is what came from the National Post In explaining his punishment, the judge called Hastert a “serial child molester” and described as “unconscionable” his attempt to accuse one of the victims of extortion. I’ll keep saying this till everyone understands there has never been a reformed child rapist, just more victims! You think Joe didn’t pimp both his sons out?!? I’d be a crack head to if my dad was Joe Biden. They all should be thrown under the jail.
Have you had the good doc look at the greens you’re selling?!?
Half the world is stupid and evil and the other half is good and lazy. Stupid evil people being nudged in one direction will get much further than good lazy people who hide behind laws, religion, and debate. We already lost everything, i dont see the point in “sharing the truth” with the world anymore. We deserve tyranny at this point my fellow “patriots” haha.
A War can escalate into a War that can also destroy these Marxist cartel fake Jews who people give false titles to like the elites or freemasons. After The Antichrist takes over he will lead the world & plunge the world into total destruction.
Hi Maria .. I am old school so I am unaware of what xrp & xlm means. I am aware of their tactic bank crash which will be done by each individual bank itself to make it look like a global Cyborg attack... The Cyber attack will be fake just like the pandemic was so that they could control it without being affected themselves. Cheers .. Email works for me ..
I think Maria should switch from text smaller to her pretty face bigga. Love her pretty face, and eyes being the windows to her soul, and of course her facial expressions :) Love you Maria - from small town TN.
I was born in Massachusetts USA. Moved away long time. But we talk with the same accent :)
Maybe half screen stuff Maria!!!???
In Costa Rica there is the Interest In Justice League who have been litigating Costa Rica Covid Crimes and making headway. They are a signer of the SYRACUSA Treaty an international document that protects human rights during times of a stated emergency. They are setting up to host a Nuremberg Trial . Please interview them:
A good program, thank you Maria and Vigilant Fox. Guest Martin Armstrong was informative, and Professor Masayasu Inoue is a champion for speaking the truth about this situation.⭐ May the Lord God protect him, and may he find support with other champions of truth in other countries...Prof Robert Clancy, Dr Peter McCullough, & Prof Angus Dalgleish for example.⭐
Maria Zeeelicious ladies and gentlemen!!!
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