Rescue Dogs Can’t Have Enough Of Former Keeper In This Heartwarming Reunion

6 years ago

You’ve probably heard the old saying, ‘dogs have no concept of time’. Some people believe that a dog can’t discern a minute from an hour, but this just isn’t true. Dogs simply remember differently than humans. If you’ve been gone for more than a day, expect a much happier reunion, than if you’d just stepped out for a couple hours.

Dogs are gifted creatures, able to catalog a myriad of scents and recognize faces. Imagine a situation where a former employee stops over for a visit at the Dogs Deserve Better rehab center. Upon his return, his dogs greet him as though he was absent for ages. This affection is a testament to the dogs’ incredible ability to recognize their master. Thanks to these canines’ olfactory memory, they remember scents long after they have been exposed to them, so they are able to associate him with his smell.

They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder. Since these dogs haven’t seen their master for a certain period of time, they display a real love in this heartwarming reunion. Their excitement is equal to the amount of time that his master spent away. They can’t have enough of him as they are all over him. The pooches jump on him, ecstatic to be in that blissful reunion. They hop around their former keeper like little bunnies hop around their mother and are so delighted of the mere sighting of him.

Dog’s love is undoubtedly true love. Dogs know how to cherish the person responsible for them and can show genuine fondness. These creatures certainly know how to express their gratitude, too and they do it in the most loving way possible.

Check out the reaction from Jada & Copper when they saw their old friend again!

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