American Governance 2024-03-23
About the Libertarian Party - Neither libertarian nor expanding Liberty
Libertarian National Committee - a good structure for a political party
Reading off the Libertarian Party's Platform from apparently 2022
Taxes - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
The Economy - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Civil Liberties - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Crime and Justice - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Education - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Foreign Policy - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Healthcare - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Gun Ownership - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
War On Drugs - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Immigration - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues

Healthcare - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues Unlisted Video

9 months ago

Oh no, government "meddling" (despite paying for a lot of healthcare costs) is preventing new medicines and innovations from coming to market. Yeah, right. There's suddenly going to be new pain killers and new cold medicines, around the corner, if the government stopped being the suspect of a Scooby Doo episode.

Who cares if everyone wants "quality" healthcare at an "affordable" price? Do they even know what is quality healthcare? Do they even know what needs healthcare? And what is affordable?

If Libertarians believe in "right to try" then how about having a cigarette? I'm sure you will discover a better way to live life and also clear up all the cobwebs in your head, given that nicotine both causes you to pay slightly more attention as well as hijacks the dopamine (pleasure) system such that you will work on useful things instead of whatever you waste your life doing, now.

And the hell is Tort Reform going to do if the system is bogged down by illegitimate claims? What are legitimate claims? Maybe start going after doctors for "unnecessary testing and procedures", using the current system, to stop the effects being produced by the claims that have to be processed? Who cares if Libertarians oppose fraud "in all forms", when everyone does?

"Each person has the right to make their own medical decisions" is such a silly line. If you want to treat a common cold, yourself, then go ahead. But also, why should you make a medical decision to be seen by a doctor for your cold when you could have just not wasted his time, even if you abided by scheduling negotiations to waste his time?

Maybe the issue is not that government is involved, it's that stupidity has proliferated.

Make a smarter and wiser citizenry, and you likely will cease to have all of these "problems". Then again, perhaps if people had something better to do with their lives than consume drugs... Things would also work better in this country.

I fail to see what you call "meddling" as being true meddling when there shouldn't be numerous drugs needed given how illnesses tend to be ones we have seen in the past and, also, medicine shouldn't be taken like candy. Perhaps the constant use of medicine is causing the need for new medicines, because tested medicines are losing their efficacy due precisely to abuse of prescription of medicine and also people trying to be seen as much as possible by healthcare since, well, they aren't paying for healthcare but their health insurer is.

The longest stance on "the issues" and the most convoluted and bloviating one, so far.

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