American Governance 2024-03-23
About the Libertarian Party - Neither libertarian nor expanding Liberty
Libertarian National Committee - a good structure for a political party
Reading off the Libertarian Party's Platform from apparently 2022
Taxes - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
The Economy - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Civil Liberties - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Crime and Justice - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Education - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Foreign Policy - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Healthcare - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Gun Ownership - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
War On Drugs - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues
Immigration - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues

Crime and Justice - Rebutting Lolbertarian Party's take on issues Unlisted Video

9 months ago

Apparently drugs are the true issue that makes our justice system broken. It's not that we have a population of people trying to let criminals go free and also that people don't even know what crimes are any more.

Generally, crimes can indeed be seen as "force or fraud" yet insurrection is not necessarily force or fraud, but it would still be seen as a crime by a good state and a bad state, for reasonable reasons.

Why are drugs the issue? Also, just how difficult is it to find criminal offenders of rape and murder even if the police had more resources? Cities are easy to hide in; also, there is a lot of places to hide in when you are close to rural or suburb areas on the outskirts of cities. If the logical trail to the criminal does not exist, then how could the police find them whether they had few or little resources? How accurate is the evidence which they have for those crimes, and also how reliable is the evidence? Sure, you have DNA evidence yet how do you know that you got the right DNA of the criminal suspect?

Plus, not all "victims" are victims. They could be coming to the police in a lying fashion to go after an ex. They could be manipulating the police. It's just just that a true victim may not be believed, it's also that the police may waste resources on a false victim than a true victim.

There's a lot to be considered regarding our criminal justice system. How is it broken if it still works as a system that gives us some idea that people are still prosecuted and that people still serve jail time? The reason why it appears broken isn't that the statistics are showing things, but rather that it isn't a world where we expect crime to occur around us unless we know that we are in gang lands.

It is weird to say that the government acts immorally by saying "what is and is not acceptable for people to consume" yet you expect them to tell you that supplements don't work for giving you vitamins, medicines need to be regulated and some only given by pharmacies, and then also expecting the FDA to be ensuring the safety of every single thing that you want to buy and put in your body with marketing saying it will give you a "brain boost" or provide "mental clarity" and other things that are immeasurable.

Perhaps it is not the justice system which is broken, but the expectation system.

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