Immigrant joins anti-migrant Reform UK, but it’s OK, she’s white…

3 months ago

Reform UK have brought on board former Australian soap actress Holly Valance, but if they thought this was some kind of win...
Right, so nothing quite reads as hilariously as an immigrant joining the vehemently anti migrant Reform UK, having just signed up the Leeanderthal Lee Anderson as their first MP, hardly a guy known for sympathising with migrants, but it’s all OK, because this particular immigrant is white I suppose and is married to a billionaire, so who knows? Big donations winging their way to Reform UK coffers soon, well it means Richard Tice won’t have to keep self financing the operation! The immigrant in question is Australian former singer and actress Holly Valance, who has become more well known for spouting right wing drivel as opposed to displaying any discernible entertainment talent, but if this is what Reform UK are hoping will be a winning coup, taking on Valance as a high profile member, then what comes out of her mouth really ought to serve as a warning.
Right so Holly Valance, she seemed like such a nice girl on Neighbours once upon a time didn’t she? Well now she’s joined Reform UK and wants Nigel Farage to return to lead it, all despite being an immigrant herself, joining an anti-migrant party, but then she’s white and speaks English so she’s their sort of immigrant. She married big money, I can’t imagine what drew her to lockdown party rulebreaker and billionaire property tycoon Nick Candy and so there’s a potential new big donor for the party too.
Now it wasn’t that long ago that Valance had us all in fits after attending the launch of the Popular Conservatives Movement, because of course she was there, hubby Nick Candy is a longtime Tory donor and she had some rather interesting things to tell to GB News, who absolutely love her:
Well what a surprise, marrying a billionaire and having made probably not a bad income through her own fame beforehand as a poundshop Kylie Minogue led to her it would appear not be too keen to part with her money, certainly that’s how it comes across. Finding Liz Truss interesting is something I can only fathom would be true from a position of scientific experimentation, trying to work out how somebody so woefully out of her depth ever managed to get so far in life and as for wanting to see the haunted pencil Jacob Rees-Mogg as Prime Minister, well, with an attitude like that, she’ll be on Question Time before long, wouldn’t that be fun! But of course, this isn’t therefore somebody to take seriously, this is somebody driven completely by self interest and nothing proves that than going from heralding Liz Truss and Mogg, to joining Reform UK and pushing for the return of Nigel Farage, because evidently this is in little miss I’m rich’s self interest.
Really this video shouldn’t be so much about Valance herself though, frankly a lot of people who ever knew who she was have forgotten by and large anyway, and those who do, well why should we care what she thinks anyway? Who cares what she thinks? Well to my mind it’s more about who or what she represents now, the wealthy, the rich and powerful and in that regard who they are backing, because as ordinary working class people, we should be running for the hills from whoever they support.

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