Shocking Truth Behind Labour's Migration Policy After Tory Defection

4 months ago

Right, so Keir Starmer is apparently going to stick with Rishi Sunak’s failure of a Stop The Boats policy if Labour get into power and I have to wonder giving the timing of this announcement, whether this was a demand by Dover defector, the former Tory MP Natalie Elphicke, to get her to defect, given she is so appallingly right wing and is in no way recognisable as a suitable Labour candidate. It makes me wonder whether Starmer was so desperate to bring another Tory MP on board his sham of a Labour Party, that he might be pimping out policy to convince them, because this really is right up her street. This is a woman lets not forget who complained that Suella Braverman’s plans didn’t go far enough. No safe asylum routes under Labour, Starmer doesn’t see how that will stop the small boat crossings, ultimately this is not getting the Tories out when they are jumping on board the Labour Party and the Labour Party under Starmer is taking their policies to continue with and with more Tories allegedly waiting in the wings to jump ship as well, what else could Starmer be offering them and if safe, humane asylum routes – of which there are none – don’t register as common sense to this deeply unpleasant former human rights lawyer, then his human rights credentials are truly dead and buried, if he ever truly believed in them to start with.
Right, so that was Keir Starmer declaring in two video clips there that the moral case for migration should be made, which was his position just 4 years ago, compared to now, where he thinks safe asylum routes aren’t the answer to putting an end to the vile trade in human trafficking to get people into this country, despite the very obvious fact that should occur to anyone that doesn’t have a fetish for standing on the white cliffs and pointing and sneering, or gets off on such images on their TV screens, that safe asylum routes literally puts that idea out of business. What has happened to the moral case for migration then? No business can operate if you take the customers away and by instigating a safe, legal asylum route, nobody needs the traffickers anymore, nobody needs to cough up their life savings from wherever they’ve come from to risk their lives to get here in a rubber boat. I think former Corbyn Comms director James Schneider, a man of great eloquence and intellect, summed this video clip up best by quote tweeting it, and calling Starmer an amoral piece of human s**t.
Hardly requires a speech to say everything that needed saying and to be 100% accurate into the bargain.
It’s heartless, it is inhumane and it doesn’t work to continue to insist the boats can be stopped by just saying it loudly enough or often enough. As long as people give money to traffickers, traffickers will traffick. We’ve thrown millions at the French, who can’t police their entire coastline any more than we can. We’ve stupidly made demands of the Navy to turn boats around, the Tories and other right wing organisations have demonised the likes of the RNLI for daring to rescue people when they get into trouble at sea.
But the question of the timing of Starmer’s decision to glue himself to this position right after one of the most ardent migrant bashers going, is raising suspicions, mine certainly, in former Tory MP for Dover Natalie Elphicke’s defection to Labour and certainly makes me wonder whether her move to Labour might have been along with at least some demands, which equally makes you wonder not only did Starmer let her join his Labour Party, but might have actually been actively offering concessions and sweeteners to bring her on board. This is a woman, at least according to a recent interview involving Boris Johnson knockoff Michael Fabricant, who is so right wing she wanted to drown migrants and start a war with France. Is the ruling out of a safe, legal asylum route by Labour now her doing? Is making Labour policy a price Starmer is prepared to pay to bring more Tories on board, there are more allegedly wanting to do so, not exactly getting the Tories out if Labour are just letting them join them instead is it?
Plus it all serves as another reminder of why you can’t trust Keir Starmer any further than you can throw him, when once upon a time he stood for Labour leader on a pledge of strengthening migrants rights. pledge 6 reading:
‘Full voting rights for EU nationals. Defend free movement as we leave the EU. An immigration system based on compassion and dignity. End indefinite detention and call for the closure of centres such as Yarl’s Wood.’
Now it’s all stop the boats just like the Tories, no free movement, no rights as he veers not to the centre as so many disappointing political commentators keep saying, he’s sailed so far past the centre and into the right wing, he now has an MP that pretty much every Tory MP there is was to the left of and although Elphicke, just like Dan Poulter who preceded her is not standing for election for Dover for Labour, the guy who is, could just be Elphicke in a suit and actually tweeted out as blurb to a promo video, which is so bad the lip sync is a mile out, it’s tragically and hilariously awful if you care to watch it, but the tweet reads:
‘Only the Labour Party under Keir Starmer, with Yvette Cooper, will secure the borders. It's one of the reasons so many former Conservatives are coming to Labour.’
So many Tories eh? This is a guy called Mike Tapp incidentally, a wannabe politician who’s outward visage screams Tory Boy with the rhetoric to match it, saying Labour migration policy is so right wing in effect, that this is why Tories are being attracted to the Party. You shouldn’t want to be attracting Tories to the Party, you’re supposed to put an offer in to the British people that chimes with the majority of their beliefs, not instead attracting Tories in the belief people will vote for you anyway just to get the Tories out, no matter how many Tories you are actually letting in.
So how does Starmer plan on smashing the smuggler gangs whilst continuing to treat migrants as pariahs, now that he’s decided that that is going to be his current position, instead of making the moral case for them?
He’s been watching James Bond again and it has given him ideas, He plans to use MI5. Yes, the secret service and he’s chosen to write about it once again in the rancid Murdoch Scum, because, heck, we know who his audience for this is by now do we not? And he teed this plan of his up with a tweet saying:
‘People have a right to expect security at our borders. When I was the country’s chief prosecutor, we smashed terrorist gangs abroad. If I’m privileged enough to become Prime Minister, we will smash the people-smuggling gangs.’
Yes, remind us again how much you were director of public prosecutions at the Crown Prosecution Service, except I’ll now point out to you that the hardline migrant bashing Tory MP you just allowed to join Labour subverted a CPS prosecution against her own now ex husband by trying to get the judge to dismiss character references by herself and four other Tories who claim she was the ringleader. Don’t ever invoke your time at the CPS again, you sold the rights to do that with this move in my view. His excuses for such criticisms? His Labour needs to be less tribal! Well tell that to Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott then!
Underlying all of this is the painfully obvious realisation to many of us who used to support Labour but absolutely cannot now. Natalie Elphicke has not changed one iota, the Labour Party has though, to suit their aims of attracting her and more like her to their side and will do or say whatever it takes to do that, including becoming the new party of migrant attacks, immigration bashing and offensive rhetoric against desperate people prepared to risk their lives for a chance of a better life. Labour is just a moral vacuum prepared to do or say literally anything it takes to get Starmer into power without any real idea of what he will do once he gets there and the cruelty of demonising migrants when the solutions are so obvious and easy is criminal. Negotiate a new returns policy so all asylum seekers here are not required to be housed here, contrary to right wing narratives we do not need to rejoin the EU for this and instigate a safe legal asylum route to put the traffickers out of business and more importantly stop any more people from drowning in the Channel.
For more on Natalie Elphicke and what on Earth she’s doing now n the Labour Party, check out this video recommendation here, tells you a lot more about Labour have let in under Starmer and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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