Lee Anderson only serves himself, so of course he’s joined Reform UK

3 months ago

Lee Anderson' has only ever been concerned with himself, so as politics drifts further right, of course he joins a more right wing party.
Right, so Lee Anderson has defected to Reform UK, who have of course welcomed him with open arms and given them their first MP. With politics in the UK having been dragged further and further to the right over 14 years of Tory rule, with Labour having been dragged further right with it under the Torylitism of Keir Starmer and the desperation to paint Corbyn’s time in charge as a mistake, with both main parties facing issues with voters, though especially the Tories, Anderson moving to the next populist establishment party is natural progression for him, not only in terms of political survival, but because of where he’s come from to where he is now. He knows he’s losing his seat under the Tories, he knows Reform UK are on the rise and he has in part played a role in that, working for one of the two inverted commas news channels that heavily push and promote Reform, platforms the right have that the left don’t, but he himself has not changed, even if the shade of blue on his rosette has. If Reform UK are the sort of party that welcomes someone as serially rancid as Lee Anderson, are you sure they’re really an alternative? I’d say Anderson’s defection to them says they’re just the natural progression for his establishment politics and perhaps more Tories are set to follow too as that party verges on total collapse.
Right, so Lee Anderson, the Leeanderthal has defected from the Tories to Reform UK, the private company that masquerades as a political party, basically owned by Talk TV’s Richard Tice, so no surprise that channel is responsible for some serious promotion of said Party and has become a source of appeal for the hard right of the Tory Party, attracting Anderson, on course under the Tories to lose his seat with certainty, to join them instead, but actually if you look back at Anderson’s career, he’s living proof that the far right exists in every mainstream party, they’ve been allowed to propagate and persist, the media have encouraged it because their offensiveness and mouthiness and pushing the boundaries of decency sells papers.
Anderson wasn’t always like this though, but what has been a mainstay is his pursuit of populism. The former coal miner was, back then, a member of Arthur Scargill’s NUM, the National Union of Mineworkers, taking it to the bog witch who was at that Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Anderson was a Labour member, he campaigned for Michael Foot of all people, but the shift came later on, something in his psyche switched him from being left wing in his youth, to not only being right wing, but one of the worst right wingers going.
In 2015 he became an elected Labour official, becoming a councillor on Ashfield District Council and by this point he was more like the Anderson we know and loathe today.

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