RFK Jr's Red Pill Campaign Ad on the W.H.O. [ 🚫Stop the Pandemic Treaty]

3 months ago

The W.H.O.* has been taken over by global elites and foreign powers that don’t share America’s best interests and values. That’s why we have to stop President Biden from signing the WHO pandemic preparedness treaty. The WHO says it cares about national sovereignty, but the way it responded to the Covid-19 pandemic proved the opposite.

We can’t let international bureaucrats and their bosses at the Billionaire Boys Club in Davos just erase our Constitution.

❗Dr David Martin responded to the ad with this:
"This is an important message... but let's remember that the WHO was started by the corrupt Wellcome Trust, the Rockefeller Foundation, and others who wanted to promote vaccination as a primary "health" intervention around the world.

So, the nostalgia of its "founding" {and being a good organization} is a bit off.'


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