Illuminati’s Secret See Yourself In World Of Clones And How You Can Tell Differences

4 months ago

The Illuminati’s Secret Celebrity Murder and Cloning Centers See For Yourself The World Of Clones And How You Can Tell The Difference! The World of Cloning Really Does Exist! Have you ever noticed that, sometimes, a certain celebrity seems ever so slightly off? Maybe its an errant beauty mark or the fact that their eyelids have begun to blink sideways. You can feel in your heart that something’s just not right. That’s because your darling idol is dead.

Don’t worry, though, because before they were killed, your favorite celebrity was cloned. Which means that unlike Paul McCartney (who was simply replaced with a lookalike), countless incarnations of your dearly departed could be walking among us for centuries to come.

12 Major Human Cloning Pros Human cloning in the form of identical twins is the closest comparison that we have to this scientific concept at this time. Artificial cloning processes have yet to be developed, and they may never be brought to light because of the numerous ethical and moral concerns involved with the technology that would allow a genetically identical copy of an existing or previously existing individual to be grown.

Even when there are naturally duplicated "clones" that share a nearly identical genetic profile, they are not exact duplicates. Each person has different experiences, thoughts, and perspectives that combine to create a unique individual. Even people who share a similar environment with similar DNA can turn out to be very different individuals.

When looking at the major human cloning pros and cons, it is essential that we balance the need to evolve the scientific processes involved in this artificial task while addressing the ethical and moral concerns that currently exist when manually creating or changing a genome. These are the crucial points to review.

1. Human cloning could resolve fertility issues

Thanks to human cloning, couples who are unable to naturally conceive will be able to create children to whom they are genetically related. Infertility could become a thing of the past because doctors could take the genetic profile of each parent, infuse it into an embryo outside of the body, and potentially grow the fetus in a laboratory environment. This process could help countries such as Japan, which are struggling with low birth rates right now.

The BBC reported in late 2018 that there was a remarkable decline in fertility rates in the developed world. In 1950, women had an average of 4.7 children during their lifetime. In 2018, the fertility rate was just 2.4 children per woman. In the UK, that rate is just 1.7 children. When a country's birth rate drops below 2.1 children per family, the population will eventually shrink.

2. Human cloning could lead to medical advancements

The processes of human cloning could help to create new advances in medical science. By creating a duplicated individual, it would become possible to share genetic material which could help to prevent or cure diseases that may have a negative impact on that person’s life. It could create a new line of research that is equivalent to what we see today with embryonic stem cell therapy potential.

3. Human cloning unlocks the benefits of genetic modification

Human cloning requires a precise form of genetic engineering. Using our current technologies, we would implement enzymes from bacteria to locate genes in our DNA to create the necessary modifications for duplication. This technology has been in use since 2015, so it is not something with which we are completely unfamiliar. We know of five potential benefits to genetic modification within the human genome that are worth exploring.

• It could aid in the treatment of genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and thalassaemia.

• Genetic modification could also help us deal with complex diseases such as schizophrenia or heart disease.

• Human cloning could help us discover new ways to combat the natural aging process, including potential opportunities to stop it.

• Babies would no longer have to enter a genetic lottery before birth to find out what their human potential would be throughout their lives.

• It has the potential to lower the overall cost of disease treatment around the world.

4. Human cloning could help us recover faster from devastating injuries

Interventional orthopedics is a non-surgical option that uses a patient’s own cells to help repair the damage that occurs during a traumatic injury. Sprains or strains to a ligament will typically heal in 4 to 6 weeks with rest, but when a tear occurs, the primary treatment option (especially with an ACL) is to apply a tissue graft at a steeper angle to encourage the healing process.

The current procedure increases a patient’s risk of developing osteoarthritis and cartilage damage later in life. Through the process of human cloning, the cells can begin to rebuild on their own. It creates an opportunity for a faster recovery because doctors are duplicating the exact cells that the body requires.

5. Human cloning reduces issues of socioeconomic equality

According to the Science X Network, up to 10% of children in the developed world are currently taking medication such as Ritalin to help with their poor self-control issues. This medication makes it possible for today’s kids to improve their educational prospects because they have more control over their behaviors. Education, special services, diets, and other social interventions are also used to correct the natural inequality that occurs through the natural reproduction process.

Moving toward human cloning would allow the next generation of children to require fewer interventions throughout their lives because they would be genetically equipped to handle the challenges that might come their way.

6. Human cloning could eliminate defective genes and chromosomes

The statistics on genetic diseases are particularly grim in today’s world. At some point during their lives, about 1% of the population in the United States will develop a specific disorder with a genetic foundation. Approximately 1 in 100,000 people in the U.S. have Syndrome A at the present time, with 100,000 children worldwide dealing with Syndrome B. The current leading cause of newborn death is birth defects. All of these issues could be reduced or eliminated if we were to embrace the benefits that human cloning provides.

7. Human cloning would allow great minds to continue benefiting humanity

Imagine what Albert Einstein would’ve been able to accomplish if he had 100 years to work instead of a few decades during a single lifetime. Where would we be today if Leonardo da Vinci had had access to modern technology with his impressive imagination? Because of human cloning, we would be able to set the stage for humankind’s greatest minds to continue doing their work, albeit as new individuals, which would help our society advance at an even more rapid pace.

Significant contributions to science, music, literature, and the arts are possible because of the technologies involved in human cloning.

8. Human cloning would help us create more stem cells

Stem cells are what help to build, maintain, and repair the body throughout our lives. There are processes that these cells perform naturally, allowing them to be manipulated by doctors to repair diseased or damaged organs and tissues. When they are transferred from one person to another, the recipient sees these cells as foreign bodies, triggering an immune response. Cloning is a way to create genetically identical cells that could help to create better health outcomes for people, especially if they suffer from a rare genetic disease.

9. Human cloning could eliminate viral epidemics

The primary goal of treating a virus such as HIV/AIDS is to suppress the mechanisms involved that harm human health. When discovered in the general population, human cloning could help to replicate a natural resistance to these diseases, disorders, and conditions. For as long as disease has existed on our planet, there have been a select few people who have a natural resistance to specific illnesses. A mutation of the CCR5 gene, for example, creates a natural resistance to HIV.

Some people naturally resist the influenza virus better than others. Researchers even found that a group of women in West Africa remained perfectly healthy despite repeated exposure to the Ebola virus. Human cloning would allow us to take advantage of these natural immunities to create new vaccines, medical treatments, or even children in future generations who would not be forced to struggle with such devastating illnesses.

10. Human cloning could adapt our population to changing planetary conditions

The processes of evolution allow humankind to begin adapting to changing conditions on our planet. Future generations may be able to adapt to a warming world thanks to the slow adaptations of our genetic profile to this shift. Human cloning could speed up this process to help save lives that would normally be lost through the process of natural selection. We would be able to take the genetic profile of those who are the most resistant to any change, duplicate it, and then spread it to the rest of the population.

11. Human cloning could lead to advancements in organ transplantation

There are over 100,000 people on organ transplant wait lists in the United States right now. Roughly 10,000 individuals are waiting for a critical organ, such as a heart. Through the processes of human cloning, it may become possible to duplicate a patient’s needed organ in a laboratory setting to create a viable outcome. This process would also reduce the immune response that occurs after this procedure takes place because the new organ would be based on the cells of the individual instead of a random donation.

12. Human cloning could help us understand the reasons why spontaneous abortions occur

Spontaneous abortion, which is the medical term for pregnancy loss or "miscarriage," is the natural death of a fetus or embryo before it can survive independently. Approximately 80% occur in the first 12 weeks of the pregnancy, with about half of the incidents involving a chromosomal abnormality of some type. Among women who are currently pregnant, up to 1 in 5 may experience this outcome. The processes behind human cloning would help us to understand more about these abnormalities, and then correct them to prevent future losses.

“You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

Issues such as treason and crimes against humanity fall under the military purview and allow for a speedy trial in secrecy, commonly resulting in executions or lengthy stays at GITMO.

EXPAND YOUR THINKING: When Trump executes or arrests someone, and he still needs them to remain in character to prevent everyone from knowing they are missing, they create White Hat clones. These clones are good clones, but only needed until appropriate punishment.

Walk with me on a journey, a journey through reality and speculation. One that will leave you both questioning reality, and existence. This is not a typical thread for me in subject matter, but you will still see plenty of pictures. Might sneak a map in too.

Ok that’s a pretty strong hint where we are going tonight. Not the only place, this will wend in a couple of directions, but it should keep your mind in the game. I want to start by thanking a couple of Anons for helping me with this. I robbed pictures from them without remorse, and they were willing accomplices.

Hmm.. that makes me think that we are being directed. Perhaps all of those ads popping up aren’t coincidental after all. I love the indirect nods that we are going in the right direction!

In 2010 however Putin was diagnosed with Spinal Cancer and German doctors told him he didn’t have much days left to live.

Putin then became missing for 10 days due to The Secret Shadowy Russian Underground Government, that acted quickly & effectively & replaced the real Putin by cloning him in the underground cloning labs.

The fake Putin clone, or double was deployed and he takes over the real Putin’s life in politics and private life. His wife went missing, after she refused to cooperate, and live with a fake clone, who cannot replace her husband in any way shape, and form.


Cloning turns out to be more complicated than finding an old mosquito trapped in some amber. Human cloning, specifically, is so hard, to the best of anyone's knowledge, this sci-fi feat has never actually been achieved.

Partly, it's an issue of technology. Humans are complex and sensitive creatures, right down to our DNA. But more pertinently, perhaps, considering animal cloning began in the 1990s, human cloning is a thorny political issue –- and not a particularly divisive one. As of 2021, 86% of Americans surveyed in a Gallup poll agreed human cloning is "morally wrong." And that number has only grown over the years. Few issues share this level of consensus — and scientists largely agree. In 2003, 60 different scientific academies worldwide called for a United Nations ban on human cloning, according to The Guardian.

Despite the challenges, explicit laws against human cloning are somewhat scant. Many also believe the technology is nearly within grasp. So you can forget those old canards like, "two identical objects cannot occupy the same space." You definitely wouldn't destroy the universe by hugging your clone. Human cloning is just an engineering challenge, so despite public opinion, it's probably inevitable. 

But a crucial thing to keep in mind as you mull doubling your DNA, unlike the full-grown "replicants" of "Blade Runner" and similar scenarios, a human clone would almost certainly start as an embryo. Here's what would really happen if you cloned yourself.


Cloning humans isn't just hard, it's so far been impossible, largely because of our uniquely designed sex cells. There's even a weird difference in the degree of difficulty in cloning seemingly similar animals. "I think no one realized how hard cloning would be in some species though relatively easy in others," Stanford bioethicist Hank Greely told Insider. "Cats: easy; dogs: hard; mice: easy; rats: hard; humans and other primates: very hard."

Various scientists have been claiming to have cracked the human clone code since the late '90s, and yet the facts just don't back up these assertions, according to the NIH's National Human Genome Research Institute.

Cloning yourself or other genetically related primates would most likely involve removing a donor egg's nucleus to be replaced with a custom nucleus from an adult cell. But in primate eggs (people are primates), a pair of proteins essential for cell division called "spindle proteins" are so close together that messing with this sensitive cell removes these essential components for growth. This is a real corker of a problem. And since big pharma has not expressed much commercial interest in human cloning, according to bioethicist George Annas of Boston University, per Insider, funding hasn't scaled with the challenges. In short, your efforts to clone yourself might come with scientific prestige, public condemnation, and possible jail time, but not necessarily millions.


Clones aren't exact copies in practice. This fact is not at all fun and irritatingly flies in the face of the word clone. For one, your clone would start as a baby, not spring from a 3D printer for people. Depending on your age, you might be pretty old by the time your copy took shape.

The main issue though is called gene expression. Matching DNA doesn't mean matching development. Anyone with an "identical" twin knows the term is a bit of a misnomer. There are always little differences. That's because the environment "plays a big role in how an organism turns out," according to the NIH's National Human Genome Research Institute. Genes are like light switches. They can either be on or off. Lots of things can flip these switches — or not flip them. The NIH points out the first cat to be cloned had a coat that was very different from her genetically identical mother, so the two didn't resemble each other at all.

If your plan is to clone yourself for trickery like Christian Bale in "The Prestige," you might need to tap into Christopher Nolan's larger oeuvre and think bigger. Perhaps if you implanted your clone embryo into an exact copy of your own past, that cloned universe would express genes just like it went down in you. But also, since that's not a thing, maybe not. Who knows.


The United States has no explicit federal laws against human cloning, according to The New Atlantis. Florida, Delaware, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and others have no state laws against human copy-pasting either. Still other states like California have made exemptions for cloning research as long as a baby is not produced. Arkansas, Michigan, and several others, however, have prohibited all cloning completely. So unless you're careful about location, you and your clone could be in double trouble — though in the event you were sentenced to prison, maybe there's somebody who could take your place.

Federal legislation to ban human clones has been abortively attempted many times, some with laughably low civil penalties like a $5,000 fine — unlikely to dissuade even a high-concept Doublemint gum ad. This power vacuum left the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in charge, which simply asserted authority in 1998, making two simple decrees: If you want to make a clone, you need FDA permission; and also, the answer is no. They cited "major unresolved safety questions," as per The New Atlantis. 

Internationally, in 2019 the Chinese government sentenced the first scientist to create a genetically engineered baby to three years in prison, according to STAT. He Jiankui used CRISPR (DNA editing) technology to edit the DNA of twins (aka natural clones) in order to create HIV immunity. Despite the seemingly laudable aim, a Chinese court ruled the experiment was "in the pursuit of personal fame and gain." Many scientists also denounced the experiment. Three children were born of these cloning-adjacent efforts.


Don't count on clone labor anytime soon because even after you've successfully cracked the genomic code, persuaded the public it's all good, and evaded various laws, very likely, your double would have some health trouble.

The first mammalian clone formed from an adult cell was Dolly the sheep, according to Scientific American. This was huge news in 1996 and seemed to portend a brave new world. But Dolly died young, at only 6 years old, roughly middle-aged for a sheep. She had early-onset osteoarthritis, and researchers at the time thought cloning might've caused it. However, a later study said this conclusion was "unfounded" even though Dolly had other health issues, and there were many Dolly clones, most of them duds.

Large mammals, in general, have proven difficult to duplicate. A Massachusetts company tried to clone an endangered wild Asian ox in 2001. It died of dysentery in two days, according to Science. Two years later they took DNA from a long-dead "Banteng," and implanted the deceased animal's life force into surrogate cows. In 30 tries, only two Bantengs came to term. One was healthy, the other was born double the normal birth weight and was euthanized. But even with one success, experts remained skeptical. "I strongly disagree that these clones are 'normal' just because they survive the postnatal period and appear normal," Rudolf Jaenisch of MIT told Science, pointing out many clones who initially seem fine develop serious health issues and die prematurely.


Even if your likely illegal clone didn't immediately drop dead and wasn't chased down by a torch-wielding mob of Americans who've already decried such experiments, this futuristic little Frankenstein might be similarly monstrous.

"The cloning process seemed to have interfered with the normal genetic functioning," explained a 1999 study of a deformed calf clone, published in The Lancet (via the National Center for Biotechnology Information). It was already known clones tended to die shortly before or just after birth, but researchers also noted the process is likely to cause long-term abnormalities. This fact "should be taken into account in debates on reproductive cloning in human beings," warned study lead Dr. Jean-Paul Renard.

The unfortunate calf clone died at seven weeks from severe anemia, which is an iron deficiency. The scientists discovered upon autopsy the animal's lymphatic system had almost completely failed to develop. In other studies, mice that initially appeared normal suddenly "grew grotesquely fat," according to The New York Times. Researchers told the Times in 2001 it appeared even though cloning does copy DNA exactly, gene expression is directly affected, with "random errors" that can emerge at any time. "With cloning, you are asking an egg to reprogram in minutes or, at most, in hours,” MIT researcher Dr. Rudolph Jaenisch explained. A natural process that usually takes months or years is so condensed that copying errors simply pile up. So, even if your clone survived infancy and briefly thrived, things could go terribly wrong at any time.


Your clone is unlikely to develop uber-strength or the megalomaniacal genius necessary to take over the world — though, given the likelihood of massive genetic mutations, anything is possible. The real threat your clone could possibly pose to humanity is that its altered DNA could enter the human germline, adversely afflicting your descendants in perpetuity.

A germline mutation is when a change in your body's sex cell, the sperm or egg, becomes a part of the DNA of one's offspring, according to the National Cancer Institute. As discussed, since cloning people has proven difficult because of how human sex cells are constructed, it's conceivable gene-editing technology like CRISPR could be used in your quest for a clone by altering this cell to make it easier to work with. But meddling here could cause genetic changes to your clone that might be passed on to your clone's offspring too, according to Ethics, Medicine and Public Health.

Thus, if your experiments in self-actualization introduced some catastrophic error — say a mutation for antisocial and psychopathic personality traits — this genetic gambit could become a permanent feature of many future humans. If you don't think one bad seed could possibly cause much damage, consider that Mongol Emperor Ghenkis Khan did so much pillaging, today, one in 200 men on earth is a direct descendant of this brutally effective warlord, according to Discover.


Clones often come in clumps. Depending on the methodology used, making a clone may require implanting two clones into a female womb, much like how monozygotic twins are formed naturally, as per Discover.

"Gene cloning" is all the rage these days, maybe because it doesn't involve creating a breathing being with sad eyes that will make you question your choices. This more humane process involves taking a segment of DNA and placing it inside a bacterial cell's DNA, which acts as a natural little replication factory, according to Discover. This technique has helped develop vaccines and antigen tests, like the one that detects COVID-19.

However, the way Dolly the sheep and other mammals were made was via reproductive cloning. The most advanced approach is called somatic cell nuclear transfer, or SCNT. It uses an electrical current to fuse an adult sperm cell with an egg that's had its nucleus removed. But since removing a human nucleus from an egg has proved so difficult to do without stripping away the cell's power to grow, you and your clone may need to rely on an older method wherein a fertilized embryo is simply split (like in identical twins) and both are implanted into a surrogate womb. Often in science, relying more on mother nature can help you get to your goal. But that also might mean your clone will have a creepy clone of its own.


There's a concept in the clone world called therapeutic cloning that avoids some of the deeper ethical concerns in which you could simply clone body parts, a la carte.

This technique involves grabbing stem cells, which according to Discover, can be derived from a cloned embryo. Stem cells are special and ironically called "unspecialized" because they can renew on their own through cell division and can be used to grow any kind of tissue or organ you might want.

This technology has implications for many debilitating diseases like diabetes, wherein a person's pancreas is no longer properly producing insulin, letting blood sugar run wild in the body causing a cascade of nasty health complications. Thirty four million Americans were saddled with diabetes as of 2020, according to the CDC. That's one in 10 people in the U.S. An advancement in stem cell cloning could theoretically mean your own genetically identical donor organs could be available — and your body wouldn't reject them. Pancreatic cloning alone would almost certainly save the life of someone you know.


If you got away with cloning yourself from a legal standpoint and somehow worked around the problem of raising your own clone from infancy, the world of horseback Polo actually proves that cloned animals can form effective and cohesive teams.

In 2016 a man named Adolfo Cambiaso rode six different horses to victory during a Polo match in Buenos Aires. Except these weren't actually different horses. They were all identical clones, each named Cuartetera, according to Science.

Polo is like "hockey on horseback," and many players switch mounts during the game. But imagine if when Lebron James got tired or injured his coach could simply sub in another Lebron James, with completely fresh legs. Or heck, how about an all-Lebron team? Who would beat that? That's the idea here and unlike in horse racing, which has banned the practice, cloning has been fully embraced in the Polo world. Many experts predicted cloned horses would be inferior, but Cambiaso won his first match with these replicant mares in 2013 and seems to have showed scientists were wrong. It's also a proof of concept considering six different horses were born healthy enough to compete in sports at a high level. These improvements in the underlying technology could portend success for your own human cloning experiments.


Modern scientific advancements are always a bit of a black box to the lay public. This informational asymmetry has allegedly allowed fraudsters to steal the cloning limelight.

In 2004 a South Korean scientist published a paper in the journal Science claiming to have cloned human embryos via stem cells. The next year he claimed to have created embryos from combining eggs and a variety of other bodily cells — seemingly solving the technical problem with human cloning. The whole thing turned out to be a fraud.

In 2006 a fertility doctor named Panayiotis Zavos claimed he'd implanted clone embryos in five different women, according to Wired. In 2009 the same doctor, working from a "secret laboratory" in the Middle East, was promoting a Discovery Channel documentary and claimed to have implanted 11 clone embryos in four more women, according to The Guardian. Then, in 2021 a woman named Diane White accused the good doctor of implanting her with his own sperm when she came to his Kentucky fertility "clinic" in 1988, according to Daily Beast. White's lawsuit alleges Zavos had neither a medical degree nor a license at the time and says DNA testing confirms he's the daddy. White also says she once picked up a sperm sample from Zavos personally, where he insisted she carry it in her bra for warmth until she got to her gynecologist's office. The rogue doctor has denied everything, but also not provided proof of his many cloning claims.


Everyone knows the big-tech bros are having a pretty exciting space race. Less heralded are their sudden investments into human longevity research. After decades of doctors treating anti-aging inquires like a career-ending pseudoscience, as Aubrey De Gray has long pointed out, suddenly, Earth's most titanic power-brokers are taking seriously the premise that aging is not inevitable.

Amazon's Jeff Bezos, Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page, and famed billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel are now all pumping cash into companies that could "solve death," according to The Guardian. This is good news for anyone currently identifying as mortal. "There's millions of people now who won't see death if they choose," claims the director of the Coalition of Radical Life Extension, James Strole. He says a human body maintained perfectly can last 125 extremely sober years at most, but obviously, many of those decades are lost to decrepitude.

Longevity companies are mainly focused on interventions at the cellular or DNA level. The 2018 discovery that naked mole rats basically don't age, along with allegedly successful life extension in lab mice, has gotten hopes for immortality high. Related human trials are already underway, and one CEO who took a dose of her own medicine is claiming to have "grown younger" by 30 years. Anyone who published a related breakthrough in human cloning could expect a call inquiring if the advancement is applicable to this suddenly feverish search for the fountain of youth.


The scientists who cloned Dolly the sheep gained worldwide notoriety upon their shocking announcement in 1996. But they probably weren't expecting the avalanche of inquires from grieving families wanting loved ones back from the dead.

Dolly's fame was not because she was the first clone — she wasn't. That honor actually belongs to a sea urchin in 1885, according to Gizmodo. Dolly was, though, the first mammal cloned from an adult cell. Many mourners quickly understood the implications for humans, and Dolly's makers at PPL Therapeutics were suddenly "bombarded with requests" to replicate their radical success in people, according to the Mirror. The former managing director of Dolly's lab, Dr. Ron James, described one of these letters: "... a chap's girlfriend had died a couple of weeks before he was due to get married, and [asked] could we clone her? The answer is, theoretically it might be possible, but you're going to get a tiny baby that's going to be 18 or 20 years younger than your girlfriend was."

American Billionaire John Sperling did however successfully make a more wonderful life for some families who lost pets with his hilariously named venture, Genetic Savings and Clone, per The Guardian. The company copied six cats for a whopping $50,000 apiece. The fee was then dropped to the bargain-basement price of $32,000. Sperling's venture was not able to clone dogs though, and that proved fatal. GS&C shuttered operations in 2006, according to NPR.

Evidence Shows Hillary Clinton Is A Robot And Clinton's 100s Dead Body Count Info. -

Journeyman presidential candidate Hillary Clinton interacted with some everyday Iowa students in a garage on Tuesday, and taught all of us a lesson in the art of relatable politicking. On several occasions during the roundtable event, Clinton revealed herself as a true "triple threat" by demonstrating an array of crucial skills that, when deployed correctly, can make even the most out-of-touch politicians appear somewhat human.

Eye Contact — One of the easiest ways to make an everyday person feel that you really care about what they are saying, even if you are secretly counting the seconds until you can return to the plush leather "safe space" in your luxury van. This is particularly useful for a extremely wealthy person who is forced to interact with a commoner on the commoner's home turf.

Head Nod — A critical tool of everyday human interaction, especially when paired with meaningful eye contact. It makes the commoner feel as though you agree with them, and can empathize with their everyday concerns even if you can't. Keep in mind that most people who have never met a sultan, much less shared a Gulfstream jet with one, usually don't have anything interesting to say, and certainly won't be able to write a six-figure check to your Super PAC. Alas, they are still allowed to vote.

Hydration — The human body needs water, but simply taking a sip every now and then won't increase your favorability rating. Everybody drinks; that's boring. Some may argue that hydrating while engaged in nodding eye contact is just showing off. But it can also be a indispensable diversionary tactic for those who instinctively scowl whenever a commoner starts to whine about their everyday problems. They've never struggled to pay off two mortgages. They've never felt the crippling anxiety that comes with standing before a crowd of wealthy Wall Street executives. Hillary's ability to perform all three tasks at once may not seem very impressive at first glance. However, as seasoned politicians will attest, this can only be accomplished after years of grueling practice. Republicans should not let Hill Dogg's otherwise disastrous rollout fool them into underestimating her strength as a candidate. She is a genuine triple threat, and will be a formidable opponent in 2016. Proof she's a robot Hillary Clinton doesn't flinch as a fly Lands on her face during the presidential debate - sparking avalanche of internet jokes. A fly landed on Hillary Clinton's face as she was in full flow in the debate at Washington University in St Louis Twitter went crazy with dozens of memes poking fun at the Democratic nominee A spoof profile page for the fly was even created by one Twitter user. While the two presidential candidates were slugging it out in the second debate many viewers thought a fly had landed on their television screens.

They were baffled because the fly landed on Hillary Clinton's face and she did not even flinch, leading some to suggest she was a robot like one of those on TV series Westworld. Within minutes of the fly's appearance at Washington University in St Louis, Twitter was a swarm of memes, mostly poking fun at the Democratic nominee.

Since the Clinton’s rise to political fame in the 1990s, various rumors surrounding their connections to mysterious deaths have been circulated. These claims assert that both Bill and Hillary Clinton have orchestrated the deaths of several acquaintances who supposedly had “dirt” on the family (Emery). The belief is mostly held by those of the opposing conservative party in efforts to further tarnish the family’s reputation. The conspiracy theory was brought up during Hillary Clinton’s 2008 and 2016 presidential campaigns. The original body count list is attributed Linda Thompson, a lawyer and conspiracy theorist of the American Justice Federation, an organization which has made its name by fabricating antigovernment stories (Weiss). Since its initial debut, the theory has been promoted through chain emails, novels, and documentaries.

Now that they’ve successfully cloned primates, we’re next. But are we ready to welcome the clone versions of us into our lives? If you could clone yourself, would you do it? In a few years’ time, this may be a choice you are able to make.

Chinese scientists announced they had successfully cloned a pair of macaque monkeys. These primates’ genes have much more in common with humans than those of Dolly the Sheep, and the feat has sparked many editorials fearing it is only a matter of time before we have the ability to clone humans.

While the Chinese scientists said they had no intention of cloning humans, and the UN is officially opposed to human cloning, it seems naïve to think that there won’t be one jurisdiction that eventually capitalises on the market potential of such technology. A small island nation, for example, may jump at the chance to be the world’s go-to human cloning destination.

So, let’s just assume for a minute that it does happen. While many people associate human cloning with dystopian images of organ harvesting and slaves, the reality, I believe, will be far more mundane. People will simply clone themselves to raise as their children.

Imagine it. The family portrait of the future could very well contain the same person replicated four different times, at different stages of their life. There would be the “original” and their flock of clones, each one only slightly different to the next.

Pregnancy would likely be less of a mystery, as there would be no guessing what your child would look like when they popped out, no hoping that they wouldn’t inherit your big nose. Rather, you would give birth to a baby that looked exactly the same as you did when you were born. You would then be able to watch it grow as you did – teeth coming through at the exact week yours did, the kid starting to walk as you did, and later going through puberty as you unfortunately did.

Of course, parents with “original” kids do that now, but the difference is that clones would pan out exactly as their forebear. The parent would essentially be viewing themselves as a child, an interesting phenomenon. You might not remember what you looked like as a 1-year-old, for example, but now you could see yourself in the flesh. It would essentially be an exercise of the self, you’d be able to witness your ageing all over again.

Then again, that might not be a good thing! Your preconceptions of yourself as an adorable, cute little bub might come crashing down. Instead, that memory of being a bald 3-year-old feeling very self-conscious at your ballet production may be relived.

For some people, this isn’t such a strange concept. We all know someone whose kids look very similar to them and has the same allergies and the like, so perhaps having a clone wouldn’t be too different.

I think the more interesting aspect to consider is the personality of the clone(s). Would they turn out exactly the same as their original, or retain a sense of individuality? This takes us back to the old philosophical argument about whether or not we are born with a personality or “soul”, and how much of our personality is innate versus drawn from experience.

People prone to self-loathing or narcissism shouldn’t have clones. Plus how would the world evolve if we all just cloned ourselves ad nauseam? Seems less likely the world would produce Julia Gillards, Mozarts, Einsteins, if we’re just cloning ourselves.

Few would argue that our experiences shape our thoughts and emotional responses, and yet I also believe that we are born with a personality. Or at the very least, we are inclined towards certain temperaments and features, which our genes surely play a part in.

And if our clones did turn out to have very similar personalities to us, it could prove hard not to become a pushy, overbearing parent. When your clone is begging to join the fire brigade, for example, you would know that they would eventually tire of this.

How could you reasonably be expected to humour them?

“I understand you want to save lives right now but in a couple of years, you’ll get over this hero complex and be happy to work as an accountant,” you explain.

“Don’t tell me what to do, I’m my own person!” they reply.

“No, you are not,” you shoot back, in a moment of anger.

Or what if the clone turns out to be a genius, with a quick-wittedness and creativity you never managed? It could be difficult not to compare yourself to your smarter protégé and feel a pang of jealousy.

And people who are prone to self-loathing or narcissism surely shouldn’t have clones. That would be a recipe for disaster. Plus how would the world evolve if we all just cloned ourselves ad nauseam? It seems less likely the world would produce Julia Gillards, Mozarts, Einsteins, if we’re just cloning ourselves.

We admire beautiful and highly intelligent people due to their uniqueness, the fact they bring a spark of originality of thought or looks that the world has never seen before. Do we risk losing this if we stop shaking up new cocktails of genes? Would clones be fine wines that age better with each generation or musty grapes that simply sour?

I have a feeling I know what the answer would be with my genes! But perhaps that isn’t the case with everyone. Some people’s clones may simply be better educated, more advanced versions of their originals. They would surely be influenced by the wider social context in which they live and their various experiences. This could be the way of the future – what do you think?

Clown world became hell sooner than you expected.

Punctuated by vignettes of street violence, each day bleeds into the next. Most days, you don’t see other people in the flesh. “No contact” delivery ensures seamless individuated consumption. Various platforms offer their condolences. In these trying times, Postmates is here for you. 25% of designer face mask proceeds go to nonprofits that teach inner city black girls how to code. Pornhub Premium is free. Feel better, they insist. We’re in this together.

Venturing into the public square for groceries, an amoebic cluster of what you skeptically still identify as human beings—nice, normal people—can be observed darting from aisle to aisle, making mundane appetitive pursuits as before, but more frantically now. As if under duress. When quarantine began, they used to gesture sympathy by cartoonishly twisting their eyebrows and tipping their head to one side. This was before it was decided who could walk which way down which aisles. Today, someone has taped arrows to the floor.

All of you want to return home as soon as possible. The only safe social distance, to be sure, is total isolation. Home is where nice, normal people are safe from the unwashed, unmasked deplorables among them, whose recalcitrance is as dirty and dangerous as their breath. By that same token, you also prefer to distance yourself—from that quietly desperate, empty-yet-penetrating, SSRI-infused hive-gaze, which feels increasingly like the eye of Sauron.

You know the statistics. You know the death rate, and you know masks are useless. But 72% of nice, normal people now support jail time for violations of mask mandates. Their blinking eyes, tired of performing, never linger on another pair for too long anymore, except to communicate some contempt, disgust, or perhaps sublimated envy or lust for those who have not yet enthusiastically accepted the new public health measures. You cannot escape the creeping sensation that they’re watching you. So, you muzzle yourself.

I Can’t Breathe

Once home, you retreat to the virtual world. It’s a void and a vacuum. Empty black squares, icons of the latest, greatest, wokest Great Awakening, are everywhere, shared widely, incessantly, by heretofore apolitical nice, normal people. Captions read: “I will never understand,” “I am blinded by my whiteness,” “I must use my voice to amplify black voices.”

Self-abnegation is the new self-help. You haven’t seen something go so viral among white women since pumpkin spice. Nice normies are buying and reading the books. Catelynn is doing the work. You know this because so many Catelynns have posted selfies with White Fragility…in an N-95 surgical mask. Like autoerotic asphyxiation, except that in the moment of climax (the final touch on a perfect caption), they screech that their abject political fetish is for the sake of humanity, white man. It seems your role in relation to “humanity” is exclusively that of an antagonistic outside observer. You are both oppressor and repressor.

You know the statistics. You know the intra- and interracial crime rates. You think, like Kanye, that things might be different if black babies’ lives mattered enough to bring more of them into the world and into stable, married families.. But Catelynn is blonde, you knew Catelynn back in the day, and Catelynn might be watching now. So, you muzzle yourself.

In college, you told the professors what you knew they wanted to hear. Stupid games for stupid prizes, but how stupid could they be if you couldn’t be hired without the grades, the recommendations, the credentials? At every unpaid internship you took before finally getting the big kid job, you were on your best behavior, too. You attended the corporate “diversity” events. You let the rainbow stickers the office activists pasted to your cubicle in June stay up all year. You needed to blend in with nice, normal people. You thought your cool ambivalence played as professionalism. By the time the job finally came, you’d grown accustomed to your own silence. You’d come so far.

Back then, you needed the nice, normal people to respect you, and the crazy ideologues to leave you alone. You imagined the squeaky wheel got the oil, and most people probably secretly found it as annoying as you did, but went along to get along, too. The noisy radicals in HR reminded you of that unpredictable, antisocial child on your little league team whose parents paid for the uniforms. They were to be tolerated, even as a source of ridicule behind the scenes. And you were a team player. If it ever became too much, someone would hit the brakes.

Something has changed. Everyone’s email signature includes pronouns. Everyone’s LinkedIn is an homage to George Floyd. Silence is violence, said Catelynn, and the rest of the nice normies have risen up in chorus: mea culpa.

We’re Not in Clown World Anymore

This isn’t Clown World anymore. No one is laughing. No longer simply tolerated or patted on the head for his pretty lies, the child-tyrant is now an object of unceasing worship by nice normies. They kiss his boots. You were wrong for so long: normie obsequience had no real limit. Concession was bound neither by time nor reason. Concession was not tactical, strategic, or prudent. It was an artifact of the hollowing out of the mind—and soul! It strikes you that, when the child calls for your head, nice normies will deliver, smiling, and call it a “breakthrough.”

The enemy has raised an army of your friends. You see it now, finally: nice normies are not centrists. They’re clones. They wear the uniform. They parrot every shibboleth. They have forgotten your name, and they have forgotten their own.

You search fruitlessly for some sign of life within the totalitarian sameness of the normie bloc. Some spark in the eye, some twitch of the cheek. But their thousand-yard stares are fixed on promotion. March along, comrade. Choose to obey.

Hell is mundane and mendacious. Follow the rules and achieve absolution. Say their words and save yourself. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. Don’t cancel me.

How did two weeks turn into six months? How did friends become enemies? Are you struggling to breathe again? Whose hands do you find wrapped around your neck? Who will deliver you?

Your iPhone notifies you that your Doordash delivery has been carefully placed by your apartment’s entrance. This way, Western man. At least hell has take-out.

Multidisciplinary Approach: Combating 5th Generation Warfare requires a multidisciplinary approach involving various sectors of society, including government, military, academia, media, and civil society. Collaborative efforts across these sectors can enhance effectiveness and resilience in countering this new form of warfare.

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By combining individual efforts with these additional strategies, we can successfully confront 5th Generation Warfare and protect the values and principles that underpin our democratic societies.

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Real Illuminati Media Ultimate TV Mind Control Media Manipulation Pt.2 Documentary -

Real Illuminati One World Headquarter Order Out Of Chaos Freemasonry 1776-2024 -

Global Citizen One World Together At Home 15 Min. City UN Extreme Propaganda -

Welcome 2 New World Order Black-White-Yellow-Brown Peoples Dan Smoot Report -

Welcome 2 New World Order Black-White-Yellow-Brown-Red-Woke-Trans-Etc. Peoples Of The New America Phoenix Rising From The Ashes... See The True Dan Smoot Report To U.S.A.. So Yes America Is A Republic & Is Not A Democracy Is A Dangerous And Wrong Argument Enabling Sustained Minority Rule At The National level Is Not A Feature Of Our True Constitutional Design But A Perversion Of It. We The True People's Of The Worlds.

Welcome To Our Channel 3.2 Million+ Views So Far 2024 & 666 Video's So Far This Last Two Year - Thanks To Everyone Who Like Us... Good Or Bad You Are All Welcome To Share Any Video's We Post To Your Friends And Other's... Thanks !

What If Everything You Were Taught Was A Lie? All Info. shared in this channel is for non-hate and non-race and historical purposes to educate, elevate, entertain, enlighten, and empower through old and new film and document allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

Note: We Do Not Post Any False Video's Or Un-True Content On This Channel & All Origins Video's And All Scientific Conspiracy Theory All Content And All Text Our True Statement From The Video's Owner's Who Posted There Video's To This Free Speech Channel By Us In The First Place To Be True !

Welcome To The New World Order - The Year Zero - The Real Origin of the World - National Anthem of the United States of America and Confederate States of America National Anthem and New World Order National Anthem Is "The Ostrich" Lyrics by Steppenwolf from the album 'Rest In Peace' 1967-1972 A.C.E. The Conspiracy to Rule Your Mind chronicles how the ruling elite have established global domination and the ability to effect the thoughts, decisions, and world view of human beings across the globe by systematically infiltrating the media, academia, industry, military and political factions under the guise of upholding democracy. Learn how this malevolent consortium has dedicated centuries to realize an oppressive and totalitarian rule through any means necessary, not limited to drug trafficking, money laundering, terror attacks and financial crisis within the world economy.

Worldwide tyranny is already in full effect, the food we eat and the air we breathe are not off limits. Will we be able to stop this madness before we become an electronically monitored, cashless society wherein ever man, woman and child is micro chipped? We live in the world where sex is free and love costs, where losing a phone is scarier than losing morale, where it is fashionable to get drunk and using drugs, because if you don’t do that, you’re old and out, where men cheat on their wives with girls and if they don’t, it’s for fear of being caught, where girls are more afraid of being pregnant than getting AIDS, where pizza delivery is faster than an ambulance, where clothes decide a person’s value and money is more important than friends and family... This is not my world. Where has my true world gone? The New World Order Is Upon Us - Preserve Your Liberty By Being Prepared ! - We The People of the New World Order Thank You.

The Left/Right paradigm isn't only exposed by race and immigration issues. The Left and Right are in lockstep on every issue that really matters: The IRS. Income tax. Federal Reserve system. Endless wars. Endless expansion of tyranny and ever contracting liberty. Chronically wide-open borders. Suicidal immigration policies. Don't you see? The democrats and republicans exist only to provide the illusion of choice. A strong "us versus them" simulation in every election. It's ritualized tribalism. But the joke is, it doesn't matter which team wins, because both sides have the same agenda. God, guns and gays are phony "issues" to bolster the illusion of "difference" between the parties. The only thing that makes all this possible is that people aren't aware of the scam. Just knowing they are either "Team Red" or "Team Blue" liberates them from the responsibility of having to actually know or think anything. Then they feel righteous when their team wins, or despondent when they loose. It's no coincidence that the system works exactly like sports. There comes a point when ignorance and apathy become treason. We are past that point, people.

Everything you want to know what could be more terrifying than being trafficked for sex? Being murdered in a ritual sacrifice. And even worse than that would be being murdered in a ritual sacrifice so wealthy elite cabalists can harvest your adrenal glands to get the compound Adrenochrome they need to prolong their decrepit lives! It's so easy to be overwhelmed and feel beaten by the amount of negative and discouraging information being spread by the mainstream (fake stream) media. There are truly awful people in WEF and WHO, who want to reduce us to the level of serfs or chattel, but we can resist, indeed, we must resist. Be calm, be objective and be positive. Right is Might. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.” Nobody Is Safe From People's Republic Of The Tyrannical We The Sheeple People of The United States of America and A Real True Bill of State Rights Of Government July Forth 1776 The Bill of Rights is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, which limit the power of the federal government and guarantee certain freedoms and rights to all colour of people and for the citizens of All America.

Thanks For Calling and Remember the U.S. Government Leave No Witnesses Alive Behind Them. If You See Fraudulent or Criminal Activities by U.S. Government. Please Call Us (ASAP) So We Can Send Someone Out To Kill You! Thanks Again For Calling.

The Presidential Hotline Pedophile and Secret Human Trafficking and Child Sex Ring Etc. Call 1-866-4-5455-968 ( 1-866-I-Kill-You ) should be used when all your attempts to get assistance from a government department, province, municipality or state agency have failed. It is not only a complaints line. You can call to share your views or provide solutions to the challenges in your community. We also list the help line numbers of non-governmental organization's working with government. You may call at 987-654-3210 ext. new world order!

In 1984 Tried To Warn Us We The People About Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever. This Information Is For Everyone To See The Real Truth Today. Thank You For Watching All Are Video's In 2024.

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