Tories & Labour join forces to TAKE AWAY your right to see a doctor.

3 months ago

Going to the doctor? What if I told you the person you were seeing wasn't a doctor at all despite looking every inch the part?
Right, so once again the Green Party try to bin off appallingly bad legislation that is going woefully underreported in the House of Lords, because Labour once again side with the Tories over it, but when it is on matters concerning the NHS, Labour siding with the Tories should ring alarm bells in anybody’s head. Yet this is what we have.
Green party Peer Natalie Bennett attempted a fatal motion to try and kill off the Anaesthesia Associates and Physicians Associates Order 2024 ‘based on concerns that it represents a significant constitutional change without the necessary parliamentary oversight.’ Significant constitutional change is one way of putting it, going to the doctor and not knowing if you’re actually seeing a fully trained, experienced doctor or not is the reality. That is terrifying and fundamentally, will lead to those able to pay seeing doctors and those reliant on the NHS, entering a healthcare lottery.
Right, so in a move widely seen, at least in those circles even aware of this happening, because the mainstream media are typically silent on something that actually matters, as the two main parties joining forces to strip us of the quality health care we all believe we’re entitled to when we seek medical assistance free at point of use from our NHS, is an attempt to block the blurring of the lines between fully qualified, trained and experienced doctors and so called associate anaesthetists and associate physicians, AA’s and PA’s, for short and clearly by the terminology, not doctors. By placing these AAs and PAs under the oversight of the General Medical Council, the GMC, who have always only been a regulator of doctors, the concern is that people will not realise that these AAs and PAs are not doctors at all. That confusion can come about as a result, that people may not realise they are not seeing a doctor, but are instead seeing somebody fast tracked into a doctors role, to fill the yawning gap of vacancies coming up in this country as we continue to not train enough, as we lost them due to retirement, overwork, Brexit driving many foreign workers away and making our already fragile NHS buckle even more.
The argument is that these are people who have got medical experience, that they have worked in and around doctors in supporting roles possibly for years and therefore this can be seen as another form of promotion if you like, but years of experience doesn’t replace qualification. You can have cabin crew with decades of experience on passenger aircraft, but you wouldn’t let them fly the plane would you?
I used to work in ship repair, do you know something that doesn’t qualify me for? Captaining the bloody ship!
Same difference here.
Doctors Association UK, the DAUK, issued a statement saying they had urged Labour Peers to back the Greens fatal motion, which makes this all very clear. They wrote:
‘The Doctors’ Association UK (DAUK) is supporting a motion being laid before the House of Lords which aims to kill off plans for the regulation of non-doctors by the General Medical Council (GMC).

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Damo Rants Kernow Damo tories,rishi sunak,uk politics,sunak,british politics,tories nhs,tories physicians associates,labour party,labour,keir starmer,starmer,labour nhs,labour physicians associates,green party,natalie bennett,fatal motion,pulse magazine,doctors association uk,dauk,bma,british medical association,general medical council,gmc,Anaesthesia Associates and Physicians Associates Order 2024,kernow damo,damo rants,kernowdamo,damo,lord bethell,lord hunt

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