UK Column News - Wednesday 1st May 2024.

2 months ago

Presented Today By Mike Robinson, Charles Malet & Vanessa Beeley. Duration 1 hour 1 minute.

00:20 Commonwealth At 75—The Intergenerational Globalist Agenda
03:48 British Davos: Anthropy Springs Into Action
13:57 Vaccine-Injured In The Channel Islands Plead For Help
22:47 Rwanda Bill To Become Law: What Difference Will It Make?
29:44 Updates And Announcements
31:22 Britain, The Cancer Testing Capital Of The World—With Royal Patronage
35:08 Earth Day: “The World Is Reaching Global Boiling”
42:50 Everyone Wants Us To Know That AI Will Be Used For ‘Pre-Crime’
47:55 Wikipedia: Jimmy Walles And Nesta
52:49 Short-Lived White House Truth Tsar Nina Jankowicz: The Bastion Of Democracy
58:00 And Finally: Tony Blair Gets A Cult Statue

Matt Hancock In The News Again: Thou Shalt Not Kill

00:20 The Independent: What would Dignitas assisted dying law mean for relatives?

Matt Hancock (on X):  

For 50-years we've had a legal choice over who to love, for a decade we've had a legal choice over who we can marry. The time has come for Parliament to vote on changing the law to allow assisted dying, to help prevent terminally ill people from suffering very painful deaths.

Rustler (on X): 

You were responsible for a live trial of this back in Spring 2020, when the UK had 50,000 excess deaths during lockdown. Caused not by ‘COVID’ but by the COVID- response and treatment protocols. DNR. NG163. Midazolam #Malfeasance

Right To Life (2022): Matt Hancock to make documentary on assisted suicide

Care Not Killing: About Care Not Killing

Evening Standard (2021): Matt Hancock calls for more data on end-of-life care and assisted dying

Dying Well: The All-Party Parliamentary Group for Dying Well promotes access to excellent care at the end of life and stands against the legalisation of assisted suicide

Matt Hancock has endorsed the idea of setting up a "What Works" centre to gather evidence on the quality of palliative care in the UK and inform debate around assisted dying.

What Works Wellbeing: Centres: A What Works Centre is a bridge between knowledge and action

GOV.UK: Policy paper: The What Works Network Strategy 

UK Gov Publishing Service (2023): What Works Network Strategy: Evaluation Task Force (PDF)

UnHerd (2022): Matt Hancock is wrong about euthanasia

Matt Hancock (on X): 

Fantastic to see personalised cancer treatment available on the NHS - using the mRNA vaccine technology that saved so many lives during covid. I hope one day we will look back and say this moment was a turning point in the battle against cancer. 

BBC: British man tests first personalised melanoma vaccine

BBC (2020): Assisted dying travel allowed during lockdown, says Hancock

Data Protected Provided By The Government?

13:31 GOV.UK: The King's Speech 2023

Criminal Justice BillInvestigatory Powers (Amendment) BillRenters (Reform) BillAutomated Vehicles BillData Protection andMedia Bill

Silkie Carlo (on X): 

David Davis has today warned that the government’s new bank snooper’s charter would “erode financial privacy like never before in our country” and must be dropped. How much longer will you attempt to defend the indefensible 

Express: Pensioners at risk of snooping by officials under Orwellian new law, warns David Davis

GOV.UK (2023): FAQs on government digital identity consultation response

Financial Times (2022): UK government data breach for millions of children ruled unlawful

UK Parliament: Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

National Institutes of Health (NIH 2018): United Kingdom: transfers of genomic data to third countries

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