Labour suspend Corbyn’s local party in ANOTHER attack on members.

2 months ago

In light of recent rumours that Jeremy Corbyn will run as an independent, Labour have just suspended North Islington CLP.
Right, so we’ve seen Starmer’s Labour shut down local Labour Party’s before, mainly to suit himself. So that he can impose control, impose others to deal with things there in order to quash opposing views on how the party is run, to impose candidates he favours over local selections, that’s been a familiar running story for quite some time. But now he’s gone for a biggie, as Starmer’s Labour have just suspended North Islington Constituency Labour Party, the local Labour Party of Jeremy Corbyn and the reasoning behind this move screams of Starmer’s absolute paranoia when it comes to Corbyn and the thought of him standing against Labour if needs be, in order to remain the representative of Islington North. Starmer is absolutely bricking it at the idea that Corbyn might stand against Labour but what can he possibly gain, by suspending the local Labour Party in which case?
Right, so Starmer has suspended Islington North CLP in a ridiculous example of the man’s paranoia when it comes to Corbyn. Clearly Jez is still living rent free in his head and keeping him out of the parliamentary Labour Party so he can’t stand for Labour again, hasn’t gone as Starmer clearly hoped, evidently he hoped Corbyn’ decades long membership of the party would prevent him from standing as an independent and of course we haven’t yet had definitive confirmation that this is what Corbyn plans to do. So what has prompted this then?
Well the other day there was a bit of excitement generated by the idea that Corbyn was standing again as an independent, because word got out, that someone had approached a local printer about the cost of producing sufficient election materials to mount a full election campaign.
The printer it would appear, is a printer known to produce Labour’s election materials and apparently the person who approached is also known to the party. Now we know that Starmer has banned Corbyn from being able to stand as MP despite keeping him in the party, the assumption is he’s done this presumably because he felt this neutered Corbyn as a political adversary, let him stay in the party, but stop him representing them. This caused uproar in the local CLP, because it was felt that they were being told who could and couldn’t represent them, which is exactly what it was. They have in the meanwhile refused to select anyone else for the post, so I suppose in that respect a reckoning was always coming, but with the local Labour campaign materials printer implicated and the person who approached also known to the party, so possibly this was a current Labour member, although could be former by now, Has Starmer panicked a bit that the CLP are going to back Corbyn come what may, even though we still don’t know if Corbyn is going to stand, but is this enough to get Starmer’s sphincter twitching at the prospect?

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