Upgrading the Gut-Brain Interaction Using Vagus Nerve Activation

2 months ago

Hosted by Dr. Navaz Habib DC, AMFCP | Founder of Health Upgraded

The gut-brain axis is the path through which our brains and bodies interact directly with our gut microbiome. We know the importance and effects of the microbiome, but how exactly does it interact with our brain and affect our health. The vagus nerve is a commonly overlooked piece of the health puzzle and is involved in a wide array of processes in our body including digestion, immune cell regulation, inflammatory control and parasympathetic signalling to most of our organs. In 2016 Dr. Navaz Habib wrote the article, 19 Ways to Activate your Vagus Nerve which lead to a publisher’s contacting him to produce a complete book on the subject. He has become an expert on bio-hacking the vagus nerve for a number of profound physical and mental effects. The talk will be a dive into the importance of the vagus nerve in optimal health, the gut-brain axis, common factors leading to poor vagus nerve function and specific ways to help heal and improve vagus nerve function to upgrade health.

In this talk you will learn:
- The role of the vagus nerve in our overall health
- The importance of vagus nerve in the Gut-Brain Axis
- The most effective practices (bio-hacks!) to recommend to clients
- How a properly functioning vagus nerve controls inflammation
- The habits and factors that lead to poor vagus nerve health and function
- How to accurately test vagus nerve function

Dr. Habib is the founder of Health Upgraded a Functional Medicine and Health Optimization clinic in Toronto, working with high performing professionals, athletes and entrepreneurs to dig a little deeper and find the answers to what is holding back their health. He works with those who want to take their health to a higher level, allowing them to contribute to humanity and serve more people. Having gone through his own personal experiences with poor health and weight struggles, Dr. Habib is well equipped to implement personalized recommendations for each of his clients. In identifying the root causes of health imbalances, and addressing them naturally, his patients experience optimal health the way their bodies were meant to feel, and allow them to give back to the world in whatever way they want to serve.

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